Leather Sofa to Handbag

by BennyOne in Craft > Reuse

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Leather Sofa to Handbag

0 before and after.JPG

There's just about nothing more fun than making something entirely new out of old materials. In this case, a friend was tossing out a leather sofa. It had a broken wood support piece underneath and some of the nylon-to-leather seams were separating. But the leather is very good, no flaking off of the finish or cracking of the leather. So I asked if it would be ok to harvest the leather for projects before the carcass went to the curb.

This instructable shows the source, the yield, and the first project I made with the leather - a handbag for my wife.

The Donor

1 the donor.jpg
2 harvesting.jpg
3 nice haul.jpg
4 trimmed and squared.jpg
5 scraps.jpg

At one time, this was a really nice leather sofa. Unfortunately, years of use had taken their toll and the structure was cracked and some seams had come apart. But all I could see was acres of beautiful leather that was still in great condition. Since buying material is really the only significant cost to working with leather, this presented an opportunity to provide stock for many very inexpensive future projects.

I used a seam ripper and a utility knife to remove all the leather. Then I squared up the large pieces and trimmed off the odd corners and the previously-stitched seams. I was left with 8 or 9 pieces about 2' square, plus the back piece which was stiffer. I left the back stitched together (it was originally made from 6 pieces) and got a large section about 2' x 8' still all together. The scrap pile after trimming was pretty small, just a couple of handfuls.

Handbag Body

6 main body layout.jpg
7 preparing the side seam.jpg
8 glued and weighted.jpg
9 punched for stitching.jpg
10 creating size for the bottom.jpg
11 body removed ready to draw.jpg
12 freehanding the bottom and the stitch lip.jpg
13 bottom and body ready to glue.jpg
14 gluing the bottom on.jpg
15 gluing the bottom2.jpg

I didn't really have dimensions or even a shape in mind when I started this. My wife doesn't carry very large purses, just big enough for a wallet, keys, phone, and a dozen empty chapsticks. So I sort of just started squaring up edges to see what I'd get out of one of the 2'x2' pieces. I ended up starting by making a cylinder out of one piece, then stood it up and put a couple glue cans inside because they had a nice radius. I widened out the middle a little and traced that onto a piece for the bottom (I wanted it to stand up on its own). Then I added about 3/8" all around so I'd have room to glue & stitch the bottom onto the cylinder.

Zipper and Handle

16 integrated handle and zipper gluing in.jpg
17 gluing the zipper2.jpg
18 gluing the zipper3.jpg
19 zipper sandwiched in handle.jpg

I wanted to use the handle to also fix the ends of the zipper. So I decided to cut the top of the bag into a slight radius, so the zipper ends would curve up naturally. I then made the handle by rolling up one flat strip of leather inside another. I glued and clamped the seam, and then punched and stitched it.

I put the opening end of the zipper in between the 2 strips that make up the handle and stitched it closed, to the end of the bag's opening. Next, I opened the zipper and left it long and unattached to the other end of the handle. When it was open, I glued the zipper inside the bag's edges. Once that was set, I closed the zipper again, cut it to length, and sandwiched it into the other end of the handle, which was stitched into the other end of the bag.


20 liner layout.jpg
21 liner assembly with pocket.jpg
22 gluing the bottom on the liner1.jpg
23 gluing the bottom on the liner2.jpg

I cut some gray coated nylon to use as a liner. With a sewing machine, I added a small zipped pocket to hold at least some of the chapsticks. Then I measured out the bottom piece to fit inside the bag and glued and sewed the liner cylinder to the liner bottom, much like I'd done with the leather of the bag.

Final Assembly

24 fitting in the liner.jpg
25 gluing the liner under the zipper.jpg
26 gluing the liner under the zipper2.jpg
27 stitching the leather zipper and liner.jpg
28 final stitching done.jpg
29 done.jpg
30 done and open.jpg
31 done2.jpg

The last part was to stuff the liner in the bag, trim the top edge to match the zipper, and glue it in. Then punch through the leather, the zipper, and the liner and saddle stitch all three together. I have to give props to author Jessyratfink for this Instructable on saddle-stitching. When I decided to try working with leather, that was probably the most important tutorial I found.

The finished bag came out pretty well, my wife loves it! I can't wait to use some more of this beautiful material on future projects... and would have been really sad if it was just getting buried in a landfill somewhere.

Thanks for reading, and please leave a comment if you like! I especially value tips on construction techniques, as I'm still pretty new to this. If you're so inclined, please throw this a vote, its in the Before & After contest. Thanks!