Lego Missile
I wanted to make an easily attachable weapon to greatly increase any lego designs firepower and this is what i came up with
* the ship in the pic is the lego light fighter/bomber also check out my instructable on it
* the ship in the pic is the lego light fighter/bomber also check out my instructable on it
Get these parts
1 domed nosecone
2 short round pieces
3 tall round pieces
1 or 2 fin assembly (i wanted to add another right after nosecone but i only had one)
1 yellow tall round piece
1 octagon long piece with studs on one side
1 one inch rod
1 domed nosecone
2 short round pieces
3 tall round pieces
1 or 2 fin assembly (i wanted to add another right after nosecone but i only had one)
1 yellow tall round piece
1 octagon long piece with studs on one side
1 one inch rod
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Congrats you have made a missile to add to whatever your mind can come up with
Id love to see a pic if you made it and or attached to a lego project
Id love to see a pic if you made it and or attached to a lego project