Letrero Luminoso De Un Pez

by Fresia Fasanando Ludeña in Workshop > Laser Cutting

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Letrero Luminoso De Un Pez

Ensamble v3 .png

Hi guys!

Today, I'm gonna teach you how to do a bright signboard with a fun picture of a fish.


You only need your Autodesk account!

Base Face

cara base.PNG

Let start with the position of our base.

We select the little square between the red(axis X) and green(axis Y) lines, this will help us to connect each part of our signboard very fast.

Then you will use the tool "Line", this tool is very simple, you have to make click in any part of your board and will show you a line that can lengthen if you move your cursor.

With this explanation you will follow this little plan:

Then, you're gonna to go to the option "Create", select "Extrude" (This tool will give to our Face volume) and choose 3 mm of volume. Configure the color on "Appearance".

When you finish put on "Finish sketch" and save it.

Frontal Face

Captura cara frontal.PNG

For the second step you will star at the same way that the first step but now choose the little square between blue(axis Z) and green(axis Y) lines and then follow this plan:

Then, you're gonna to go to the option "Create", select "Extrude" (This tool will give to our Face volume) and choose 3 mm of volume. Configure the color on "Appearance".

When you finish put on "Finish sketch" and save it.

Frontal Face 2

cara frontal 2.PNG

You will choose the little square between blue(axis Z) and green(axis Y) lines and do exactly the same but with this plan:

Then, you're gonna to go to the option "Create", select "Extrude" (This tool will give to our Face volume) and choose 3 mm of volume. Configure the color on "Appearance".

When you finish put on "Finish sketch" and save it.

Rear Face

cara trasera.PNG

Choose the little square between blue(axis Z) and green(axis Y) lines and follow this plan:

Then, you're gonna to go to the option "Create", select "Extrude" (This tool will give to our Face volume) and choose 3 mm of volume. Configure the color on "Appearance".

When you finish put on "Finish sketch" and save it.

Superior Face

cara superior.PNG

At the same way with this plan, choose the little square between green(axis Y) and red(axis X) lines and follow this picture:

Then, you're gonna to go to the option "Create", select "Extrude" (This tool will give to our Face volume) and choose 3 mm of volume. Configure the color on "Appearance".

When you finish put on "Finish sketch" and save it.

Side Face

cara lateral.PNG
cara lateral 3D.PNG

As you guess, follow the previews steps and do this new plan, is a bit complicated so don't stress. Then, you're gonna to go to the option "Create", select "Extrude" (This tool will give to our Face volume) and choose 3 mm of volume. Configure the color on "Appearance".

When you finish put on "Finish sketch" and save it.

Face With Design


For this step you will choose the square between the blue(axis Z) and green(axis Y) lines, and do a rectangle 100mm wide and 180mm long.

Then you will research on google "dxf fish" picture, like mine and download on your computer.

Then you go to "canvas" (where I'm indicating on the picture), then you select the previously downloaded picture, select the face you will use and this will appear on the rectangle, click on "Accept".

Now follow the third picture, select "Spline" and then the first option. With this tool you can draw curvatures easily.

Then, you're gonna to go to the option "Create", select "Extrude" (This tool will give to our Face volume) and choose 3 mm of volume.

When you finish to draw, put on "Finish sketch" and save it.

If you don't want to see your lines without the pictures, put on "canvas", (like the last picture's showing).



We are almost finishing!

Now, you willl put right click on "Base Face" and select "Insert into current layout", then do the same with the "Side Face" and both píctures will appear.

Try to put them near and on the option "Join" select "Union".

Then, select the middle of the line you will join with, do the same with the other line's face (look at the fourth picture) and accept.

Do the same with all the Faces

To Render

Ensamble v3 .png

You did it! This is the last step!

Now, you only have to save the previews assembly and go to "To Render", then configure and finally click on "Accept".

Get a Picture! (optional)


If you want to save a picture of your work, put on "Capture picture", put on "Accept", then on "Save" and put it on your computer.

Thanks for follow this steps! enjoying it!