Let's Play Doctor and Save Mother Nature

by iamhere3 in Living > Education

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Let's Play Doctor and Save Mother Nature

Showering Eiffel tower 0.jpg
Showering Eiffel tower 1

As you know, Mother Nature is not feeling good these days. Let’s play doctor and save our beloved Mother Nature (i.e. earth).


Kids in doctor's office: Hello Doctor, based on your diagnosis, what is our mother suffering from?

Doctor: Hmmm, looks like our mother is suffering a mild to severe fever, the medical term for it is global warming or global boiling in extreme cases.

Kids: what is the prescription?

Doctor: As I am assessing the world situation, it takes each and everyone’s effort to save our mother. We need to be kind, caring, and compassionate with each other and especially to our mom. As Joe Biden mentioned in his closing remarks (Ref. Minute - 4:20 'It's really tough': Biden pledges Maui visit as recovery crews continue grim search for remains Published: Aug. 15, 2023 at 12:59 PM PDT): “Our thoughts and prayers, with the people of Hawaii, and not just our prayer, every asset, EVERY ASSET, they need, will be there for them and will be there in Maui as long as it takes. AS LONG AS IT TAKES and I mean it sincerely”. 

We see the symptoms of global warming on daily basis, all around us, and business "is not as usual" as we think. Meaning business is "unusual" and since I am submitting this instructible for "unusual use", this qualifies my instructable for "unusual use contest". If we don’t take care of ourselves, each other, and our mother, matters get worse and at the end we will all lose and there will be no one around to say “I told you so”, unless someone has made Noah's ark (Ref. Noah's Ark - Wikipedia). 

Let me share my experience of the Lahaina fire. After 3 years of following all protocols of Covid 19 pandemic, including "stay at home" protocol and following all depressing news and the heavy toll it took on humanity, both physically and mentally, I felt like I need to take a break and go to Maui with my family, my 12 year young son and my spouse as part of summer vacation. So, we did our planning, including renting snorkel gear, bought a go-pro camera, studying the culture and what to do and what not to do and where to go and where not to go. When we got there, enjoyed every moments of it including Road to Hana and our beloved Lahaina’s Banyan tree. (BTW, I have a 2-3 minute video clip with beloved Lahaina’s Banyan tree and my family to share with you. However, to respect my families privacy rights, I refrained from sharing it. As soon as I get their permission, video link to Youtube will be shared. Stay tuned.)

Three weeks after our return, we were devastated by the sad news of Lahaina’s fire.

Watching and listening to the news, breaks our heart and brings tears to our eyes. That’s ok, I tell my son and my spouse, here are my shoulders to cry on. (ref. The historic banyan tree in Lahaina stands after Maui fires, but will it live?

On the brighter side of gloomy side, I read this article with my son: First of several paddle out events on Maui held in memory of Lahaina wildfire victims.

And watched: Youtube: Biden speaks in Lahaina after surveying Maui fire damage | full video. The speakers in this video, who shed some tears and expressed some emotion during and while giving the speech, touched our hearts and my son turned around and said: Daddy, I wish I was there with paddlers to join hands to honor the memories of the victim’s of Lahaina fire. At points I feel helpless but will “never give up hope”. I am sure I can do more and as Biden said, thoughts and prayers are not enough. Look, before our trip and after our trip, we see signs and symptoms of global warming not only in the East and West and central coast of the US, but also, all over the world, including rich and poor countries. But what can I do? Please prescribe what I can do to rejuvenate our mother nature? What can I do? Go start a “go fund me” campaign? Go door to door and sell lemonade? What can I do?

I thought about your question: "what is the prescription?" And my son’s question: "What can I do?" For a few days I contemplated this and last Sunday, it dawned on me and I had an Ah-Ha moment, something similar to the discovery of Newton under the Apple tree. The "unfinished" product video is shown here. For curious mind why I did not "finish and perfect" it, Click Here. (The Click Here button is intentionally left non-functioning, something like this page intentionally left blank ;-).

The project I am presenting here is the "centerpiece" (I rather spell it as "centerpeace", i.e. inner peace) of Zen environment we will be setting up to immerse in one hour before bedtime to meditate and rejuvenate for next day.

For those who are not familiar with the word "Zen" (i.e. Zen: a state of calm attentiveness in which one's actions are guided by intuition rather than by conscious effort. Perhaps that is the Zen of gardening—you become one with the plants, lost in the rhythm of the tasks at hand. Irene Virag. Zen.)

Here is the bare minimum prescription. Do this prescription for one hour every night before bedtime for 365 days and if the problem persists, follow up with me and ask for a refill or plan B.


Most or all supplies are available from Amazon.

For setting up the Zen environment (The setup of the stage will be explained in step 1 of instructions):

  • Part of a home: In our case, our garage converted to “Man cave” or “Makerspace”
  • Sofa or Couch or Sofa Couch: You may ask what is the difference between sofa and couch: “The term "couch," believed to be derived from the French word "couch," is used to describe "a piece of furniture with no arms used for lying." On the other hand, Merriam-Webster defines a "sofa" as "a long, upholstered seat usually with arms and a back, and often convertible into a bed." Have your pick, I think ours is a sofa couch. 
  • Stage to host the centerpeace (i.e. aquarium, picture frame, light).
  • Coffee table with a single rose in a vase (Optional).
  • Fragrance (optional): Our space is fragrance-free. Options are: essential oil fragrance and incense sticks fragrance
  • Paper (optional): the color and weight is optional also. In our case, we have in inventory/stock 4,000 Sheets of Printer Paper, 20 lb Copy Paper, 8.5 x 11 - 8 Ream - 92 Bright
  • Tool(s) to draw with (optional): If and only if we decided to draw, we use single black drawing pencil. However, if it is not distracting you from being in Zen state You may find using color pencil more soothing than black pencil, Or any media such as acrylic, pastel, water color, etc….
  • Soothing Sound: In my case the sound of circulating water inside the aquarium which is sound effect for centerpeace. (For example sentences of soothing sound refer to: https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/soothing-sound).
  • Musical Instrument to play music on (optional) from time to time we play our guitar/piano and find it very mesmerizing and tranquil.

For centerpeace and inner peace:

  • aquarium. does not need to be large and any "glass jar" with a water circulating pump will do.
  • Lights: Let there be light (always wanted to use this phrase. Thanks for the opportunity ;-). Any lights, preferably dimmable LED lights. In our case we have LED lights but for our turtle in the aquarium we use two incandescent lights for heating.
  • Picture frame. for display and demonstration purposes I used Eifel tower picture frame which triggered my ah-ha moment.


  • NO electronics, especially any kind or any size screen.
  • NO food, drink, or snack by any means.
  • NO tinkering with technology, including Autodesk’s Tinker CAD and Autodesk’s Fusion 360. Sorry Autodesk, please don’t interfere with an hour of solitude and inner peace before bedtime. We have remaining 23 hours of the day for tinkering Autodesk's wonderful products ;-)

Creating and Setting Up the Zen Space.

Lights, Camera, Action.

Introduction to the steps:

Here are three steps to Instructions. 

  • The first step, Sunday (i.e. Creating And Setting Up The Zen Space), in my opinion, is an easier step.
  • The second step, Monday is the making of the centerpeace is the cream of the crop.
  • The third step, Tuesday (i.e. Immersing yourself in a state of Zen) is more rewarding and enjoyable. But wait I have more….
  • The forth step, Wednesday: Epilog >>> Sharing Is Caring
  • The fifth step, Thursday: Credits
  • The sixth step, Friday: Epilog To Honorable Judges Of “Unusual Use Contest”. But wait I have more….
  • The seventh step, Saturday: "I Made It!" Button

Please do these three steps religiously every night and each night, improve steps 1 and 2, based on experience of step 3 of the night before. Don’t let steps 1 and 2 interfere or overlap with 1 hour time of step 3.  

Step 1. Creating And Setting Up The Zen Space. The goal of this step is to create and set up a Zen space using suggested supplies above but not limited to. Let your creativity, your ingenuity and your mood be the driving force of this step

Making of the Centerpeace


Following is explanation and instructions of how to get a showering effect on a picture frame.

Aquarium or glass jar with recirculating pump. (One of the qualifying requirements for the jar is to make sure it is not leaking, LoL):

We have a half filled aquarium with a water pump to circulate and drop the water from the top of the aquarium "inside" the aquarium (btw, if water splashing "outside" of the aquarium, it is hinting you that it needs adjustment, LoL) and make a splash on "the side glass" of the aquarium (to be more specific, "the side of glass" facing "inside" of the aquarium, LoL). Here are a few pictures of our aquarium. As you notice in these pictures, my son has a pet turtle named Reddy and in the background is our guitar and a picture frame of Eiffel tower. You see the green pump in the corner, and splash of water on "the right side" of the aquarium.

Picture frame:

Picture frame of monument/structure that is going to be showered. In my setup the monument/structure is Eiffel tower, as it is evident in the background of the pictures. The reason the picture frame is Eiffel tower, is just only because it was in my Ah-Ha moment. I wish destructive fires were put off by rain/showers, especially the Lahaina's fire. I am not bad at drawing and painting and I am thinking of changing the picture in the drawing to the one I am going to draw and/or paint, and I highly encourage you to do the same, since I find drawing and painting gives me a sense of solitude and inner peace. 


Preferably natural light to shine from the direction to “reflect” circulating water on the surface of the frame (Please don't literally shower/soak picture frame with water, LoL). Adjustment of light: As you notice in the "unfinished video recording", the top/tip of Eiffel tower has a glare and distorts the top of the picture not visible at all. The glare is from the direct shine of the aquarium's heat lamp (to keep Reddy warm) and we used a piece of paper in varying orientations to prevent direct shine of light on frame and diffuse the light (i.e. soften the light), as is noticeable on second part of the "unfinished video recording".

Depending on the mood, and step 2 experience of the night before, water sound can be increased and decreased by the amount of slash of water drop to the surface of water in the aquarium. Also, the sound of water can be replaced by the sound of nature. (Recording of sounds Nature is not copy protected, LoL) and I find sound of water, any kind of water (e.g. river, waterfall, ocean waves etc…) music to my ear, or you may enjoy playing sound of your own played on musical instruments such as piano or guitar, soothing to your ears. Have your pick of “sound of music”, (BTW, what a wonderful movie the “Sound of Music" was, do you agree?). One of my all time favorites playing in our maker-space is: John Lennon - Imagine (Lyrics)🎶 

Immersing Yourself in a State of Zen

Following is explanation and instructions of Immersing yourself in a state of Zen. Ok, you may ask after all is said and done in step 1 and 2, what is the use of it? Well, simply put in three word: Meditation and Enjoyment! 

The space/environmental setup gives me a sense of solitude and inner peace. I use it mostly for an hour before bedtime to unwind, relax and get set for goodnight sleep to energize and rejuvenate for the next day with the goal of being a good citizen of "earth", (which is quality of "free spirited person", achieved by mindfulness and being present in moment) and taking care of our feverish mother nature. This one hour, used to be spent on screen time (i.e. TV) and I am truly satisfied to break the "unhealthy habit" and replacing it with "healthy habit" and enjoy my solitude and inner peace in the environment I have set up to my liking. Good night and happy dreams.

But wait I have more….

Epilog >>> Sharing Is Caring, Part 1

I read my own write up and slept over it, next day I called over my son and with emotions in my sound and a couple teardrops in my eyes which I was trying to hide and said: My son, I truly enjoyed reading my own write up and what I am attempting to achieve. He opened his arms and invited me to cry on his shoulder ;-). I think this is called "karma", now I am sure it was a reflection of me offering my shoulders to my son and to my wife for crying (Reference introduction part of this instructable). (For those who are not familiar with the word Karma: a situation in which things happen to someone as a result of their previous actions, or the force that makes this happen).

I continued saying, I will wholeheartedly participate in the “Unusual Use Contest”. 

If I win anything, I will match it dollar for dollar and if I don’t win, I will invest $300 in “let’s play doctor and save mother nature campaign.  

The total funding of winning and/for not winning, will be contributed to education. ⅓ in Traditional/Classical education of your school, Fletcher Middle School and ⅔ in STEM/STEAM education of our Man Cave or better say Maker-Space. 

And continued saying: but wait I have more…. If I win, I will share my joy of achievement on each and every Social media that I know of (e.g. Fletcher Middle School Facebook page, My Facebook page, My Blog etc…) and expose and promote students to become active to become makers and participate in instructable write ups. Even Though, this monetary prize achievement does not have a direct impact on improving Mother Nature's Health, it will be an awakening move toward being aware of global warming and empowered with advancements of technology and good education, especially STEM/STEAM education, we pave the road for future generations to fight the beast named “global warming”.


God as God

Conversation with GOD: God (1918) | A Poem by Khalil Gibran

Earth as Mother Nature 

Who is: Mother Nature? Mother Nature is Earth and feeling feverish these days.

Nader Farr as Doctor

Who is: Nader? Nader is a BioMedical Engineer with 66 ½ years of life experience under his belt and loves the song: 

Frank Sinatra - My Way (Lyrics) 2008 Remastered "I did it my way"

My son as Doctor’s son (kid # 1 and the only one)

Who is: my son? my son is a 7th grade student at Fletcher Middle School and intermediate level of STEM/STEAM Education at Man Cave or better say Maker Space.

My wife as Doctor's spouse

Who is: my wife? My of is my everything of my life and I love her "to infinity and beyond" (hummm, LoL, I googled and find out "to infinity and beyond" is copy protected: Googled: Is "to infinity and beyond" copy protected? Response: "Yes, "To Infinity and Beyond" is a trademarked catchphrase that is associated with the Buzz Lightyear character from the Toy Story movies produced by Pixar and Disney. Some key details: The phrase was first popularized by Buzz Lightyear in the original Toy Story film released in 1995."

Kids as kids

Who are: Kids? Kids are kids, LoL

Online Resources:

  • Autodesk as Instructables 
  • Google as Youtube preview provider
  • Amazon as Online store for material/Supply provider

Last but not least, my special and sincere gratitude extends to Online Resource Providers.

  • Autodesk for providing such an enriching and empowering opportunity to each and every member of the earth community.
  • Google for providing such an enriching and empowering opportunity for enabling us to provide preview/teaser videos among many other capabilities and opportunities
  • Amazon for providing such an enriching and empowering opportunity getting the material/supply we need so comfortably with excellent return policy.

Epilog to Honorable Judges of “Unusual Use Contest”

I always tell my son, the winner is the one who "gets the point" and not who "gets the most points". I sincerely hope I got the point of this contest. Playing the role of doctor to save mother nature is involved in thinking outside the ordinary and reimagining the potential of everyday circumstances on earth and unleashing my creativity as I repurpose the expected and unexpected direction mother nature’s health is going, turning day to day of not doing much about the health of earth, into extraordinary mission by replacing unhealth habits with healthy ones and dedicating an hour of Zen time before bedtime. One hour of daily dedication, hopefully will pave the road to slow down deterioration of earth and heading in the right direction to rejuvenate life of mother nature. Love you all and god bless you all.

But wait I have more….

"I Made It!" Button and Sharing Is Caring, Part 2

Love to hear from each and every one of you. What are you waiting for, play a song, draw or paint something, do something, make something. It does not need to be perfect or complete. "Just Do it!" (with all do respect to Nike. I hope I have not stepped on the toe of Nike shoe and infringe upon copy rights, LoL). Please, please "Just Do it!" and press the darn "I Made It!" button.