Link From Zelda

I want to share with you people the latest costume from my was very Funny cause I didn´t know that "Link" is a Boy Just after finish halloween...anyway that was Just fun.
Get Inspired

I Google some Zelda Image to get inspired and try to do my Best.
Cosplay Time

I´ve got to be honest I dont get record of the sewing process, that was my wife task, I just add some details
Shield in Shoulders

For these shield I used some plastic Cups and a pair of bottom cans .

I cut some Green foam and make the shape of leaves then cut a pair of Wings in White foam, glue it on the hat and that´s all.

I paintes and old Boomerang of mine with silver and the Sword belongs to My father than when young He was a famous "Mataor"
Catwalk Time.

Time to share to the world all this Beauty.