Live Long and Prosper With Superfood Liqueurs
by Tecwyn Twmffat in Living > Health
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Live Long and Prosper With Superfood Liqueurs

Live to at least 131 with Tecwyn's amazing super food liqueur recipes! Everyday during his adult life he would have a small glass of one of his liqueurs which is probably the secret to his longevity and general 'good looks'. Is Tecwyn a superfood super hero? Has he discovered the secret to immortality itself?
Four superfood superberry liqueurs are made and tested by our resident expert panel of tasters. Blueberry, Cranberry, Goji berry and Hawthorn berry (Haw) battle it out in the contest to find the ultimate tasty and healthy liqueur.
Difficulty: | . . . . . . . . . . | |
Cost: | . . . . . . . . . . | |
Satisfaction: | . . . . . . . . . . | |
Hazards: | . . . . . . . . . . | Diatomaceous earth dust harmful |
Superfood Health Benefits
Here's a quick rundown of the health benefits of the best berries to use. Please check with your health practitioner for possible side effects. Alcohol consumption must be moderate.
Blueberries (Cyanococcus): Extremely high in antioxidants, cardiovascular benefits, blood sugar benefits, eye health, anti-cancer benefits, improvement of memory and other cognitive functions. |
Cranberries (Vaccinium Macrocarpon): Protection against urinary tract infections (UTIs), possible protection against stomach ulcers, cardiovascular benefits, anti-cancer benefits, anti-inflammatory. |
Goji Berries (Lycium): Used in Chinese medicine with claims for the 'fountain of youth'. They are thought to increase live expectancy and sexual performance. Packed with protein and nutrients. |
Bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus L.): Anti-oxidant. Research is sparse. |
Sour Cherries: (Prunus cerasus): Possible benefits for sleep problems, also possibly anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. |
Sloes (Prunus Spinosa): Anti-oxidant. Research is sparse. |
Haw Berries (Crateagus Oxycanthus): Valve prolapse, angina, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia, myocarditis, arteriosclerosis. Hawthorn can normalise blood pressure by regulating heart action; extended use can lower blood pressure. Good for heart muscle weakened by age. Can help strengthen blood vessels, reduce palpitations, help prevnt vascular insufficiency, blood clots (embolism, phlebitis). Dilates coronary vessels to restore the heart muscle wall. Lowers cholesterol. Good for nervous conditions like insomnia. Aids digestion. Relieves abdominal distention and diarrhea, food stagnation, abdominal tumors and is good for dropsy. |
Alcohol: Lower risk of cardiovascular disease, longer live expectancy, improved libido, prevent the common cold, less chance of dementia, lower risk of gallstones, lower risk of diabetes 2. |
Equipment and Ingredients

Do not add sugar - it's not needed!
Process the Berries

If you are using fresh Haw or Sloe berries, make sue that they have gone through a 'Freeze Thaw Cycle' - you can do this artificially by putting them in the freezer, removing them to thaw out and then putting them back in the freezer again. This is really important so do not miss out this step!
Weigh out the berries that you want to use. I made a little paper 'boat' out of A4 paper with some staples at the corners which was quite handy. Empty the berries into a 1 litre mason jar and add the vodka or your homemade alcohol. Leave this to stand for 24 hours and then transfer to a food processor and whizz up for about 20 seconds for the dried berries but only 5 seconds for the fresh ones or you will start to grind up the seeds. Transfer this back to the 1 litre jar and steep for another 24 hours.
Now strain the liquid through the fine mesh bag into the 3 litre mason jar and squeeze out any liquid remaining in the pulp at the end. The liquid collected is now ready for filtering.
If you want to make your own alcohol check this out: CLICKY LINKY
Filtering the Berry Infusion

Add 200g of diatamous earth to the water filter, wearing a dust mask, and then top up the jug with the cloudy berry liquid. It will slowly drip through the white earth coming out bright and clear. If you process more than about 2 litres you might have to give the earth a quick stir as a film of gunk gets stuck on the top surface.
The first time I processed the haw berries the liquid turned partially to jelly, which was very interesting! I reduced the berry to alcohol ratio and this seemed to work ok. Keep it in a warm place though.

Tasting Video and Conclusion

The Cranberry liqueur was by far the favourite in the video tasting session, but in a subsequent session, the Haw berry was probably even more popular, particularly when the amazing health benefits of Haws are considered. Personally, I believe that fresh wild berries such as Haws and Sloes will have much greater health benefits than the other cultivated varieties tested - and they taste better too! I did get hold of some dried unsweetened sour cherries from Albania which produced an 'ok' liqueur and some dried bilberries from Uzbekistan which strangely seemed to have very little flavour ........... But I wonder what fresh strawberry liqueur would taste like? ....... Roll on Summer!
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