Looking for a Collaboration on This Kne'x Gun
by didexo in Living > LEGO & K'NEX
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Looking for a Collaboration on This Kne'x Gun

Hello, I've been working on this gun for quite awhile. I wanted to use the handle that I used on my last gun. But, the trigger wouldn't allow it. I decided to change it up a little because I wanted a flat top on the gun. So after modifying it and working with other triggers this is where I'm stopping.
I can't really fine a handle that would look nice and supports well as well as allowing this trigger. The trigger is a straight pull back which goes into a strong pin block similar to the one on TheRacker Rifle. It can hold a lot of bands which I like. If you have any questions on how the trigger works, ask.
Anyways I'm rambling, I was wondering if anyone wanted to try to add a handle to this gun?