Lotus Wrap Stone Necklace Pendant
by nishakaralkar in Craft > Jewelry
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Lotus Wrap Stone Necklace Pendant

During lockdown, I was exploring new ideas, hobby and activities then I came up with a new Jewellery Design. Here in this instructable I have explained the basics of copper art now, after doing lot of trail and error somehow I jumped from beginner to intermediate level. For while now i had my eyes on making copper wire jewelry especially latest jewelry collection.In this instructable , you'll be seeing jewelry making from beginner level to intermediate level.
Gathering the Necessary Materials & Tools

What you will need
(1)Two three colour of water drop gemstone
(2) Various crystal beads 8 mm
(3) Copper wire 0.8 mm (20 gauge)
(4) Copper wire 0.3 mm (28 gauge)
(5) Plier
(6) Cutter
(7) Ruler
(8) Round nose plier
(9)Length of 20 gauge wire 12 inch
(10) Length of 28 gauge wire 10.5 inch
(11) Teardrop gemstone measuring 1.8 cm
(12) Round gemstone measuring 1.4 diameter
(13) Jewelry glue
Making of Bloom Design

Using a sharpie and a ruler mark out of lengths, cut the Copper wire.
Take a Length of wire 12 inch of 20 gauge and another length of wire 10.5 inch piece of 28 gauge for wrapping. Also keep aside with you Teardrop gemstone and Round gemstone.
Making of Pendant

To make Pendant first we would be making a Bloom.Then we would combing a set of 3 Bloom to make a Pendant.
First to make a Bloom take a Teardrop gemstone of 1.8cm and bend the shape of the copper wire using 20 gauge wire ,according to the photo and make petals and make sure the wire strait up & down otherwise end of the all loop.Follow steps in the photos.
We would be completing the bend on one side then we would be repeating the same on the other side.To wrap the Teardrop gemstone use a 28 gauge wire of diameter 0.3 mm. After making the Blooom combine it to make a Pendant.
At the Center of the Pendant now put a Round gemstone. Now now your Pendant is complete !!!!!
Making of Bud Style Wrapping Design

Take a 20 gauge piece of wire of length 10.5inch. This is similar to Bloom Style Design, but slight different
It also use before method of blooms looks are same wrapping style ,but this time flower petal is more than one both sides. Compare to this blooms wrap look here we have also used a 28 gauge peice of wire only to wrap the lotus buds shape.
Chain Making

Take a 20guage of wire of length 2.2 cm. By using a little wire, you can fashion this basic eye design, which takes the form of a figure- 8.The two loops on this piece combine to work as the second part of a clasp, which is made to team up with many number of hook style clasp.
Start by using a jewelry's file to smooth both ends of the the wire .Now use the round nosed pliers to make a large loop on one end of the wire so that you have used up hair of the piece of wire. Do the same on the other end of the wire but this time the loop should be facing in the other direction so that you make a figure - eight with the wire then both loop are ready and starting again new loop with in the next ways.
Crystal Wrap Loop

We would be using this Crystal Wrap Loop Design in the Chain. Position the round nosed pliers about 2.8 inch from the center of the wire and use your fingers or flat nosed pliers.
Start by using either flat or ro round nosed pliers to bend the wire at a 90 degree angle so that you create an upside down L shap.position the nose of the Round nosed pliers in the bend that you created in the previous step.use your fingers to wrap the wire around the nose of the pliers to form a loop. While keeping the round nosed pliers inside the loop, hold the loop against the nose of the pliers with one finger,
You should have the round nosed pliers in one hand with one finger pressing the loop against the nose.
Using your other hand , start to wrap the loose Wire around the straight piece of wire that is directly under your loop. If the wire is soft, you can probably do this with your fingers. Otherwise use bent nosed ( or flat nosed , if you prefer) pliers to hold the loose Wire and wrap. Continue to wrap as many times as you want if necessary, trim off excess wire with wire cutters and file the ends smooth with a jewelry's file, use the bent nosed pliers to press the wire wrapping end flat to make sure it does not scratch or poke the wearer.
If necessary ,use the round nosed pliers to straighten the loop.
Triple Loop Ear Hooks

Take a 4.2 " ( 10.5 cm) piece of Copper wire. Cut the piece of wire in haif, and file the ends smooth.
Using the end of the round nosed pliers, make a small loop on the end of one piece of wire, hold the wire the round nosed pliers and position the end of the nose against the first loop. Make a second loop by using your fingers, holding the straight part of the wire and wrapping it 180 degrees around the nose of the pliers.
Gently flatten the loops using nosed pliers, and at the same time, use your fingers to bend the straight wire so that it is positioned vertically over the loops, Use the center loop of the finished hook.
Basic Ear Hooks

2 inch (10 cm) piece of wire
Begin by cutting the wire in haif so that you have two pieces that are 2/2" (5cm) each and then use a jewelry's file to smooth the ends of each piece. With round nosed pliers, create a small loop on one end of one piece of wire, repeat this for the other piece of wire ensuring that the second loop is the same size as the first. Next hold both pieces of wire together so the loops are lined up next to each other.
With the thickness part of your round nosed pliers, grasp the straight part of your wires approximately use your fingers to bend both wires 180 degrees around the nose you want to bend both wires at the same time so they match.
The next step is a very small, subtle movement, but it will help make the hook a little move rounded. Using the round nosed pliers, position the largest part of the nose inside the bent area, approximately 1/4 "( .6 cm)
From the curl. The pliers' nose should point up and the wire curl should be positioned horizontally toward you. Gentaly squeeze the curl and the flat part of the ear hook towards each other about 5 degrees. Hold both ear hook side by side again. This time , use the middle area on the nose of the pliers ,and measuring about 1/4 "( .6 cm) away from the ends, slightly bend the ends of both wires approximately 25 degrees at the same time.
Final Step

Now combine all together to make a Copper Necklace and Ear-rings.