Lucid Dreaming: Dream to Reality
by enelson8 in Circuits > Arduino
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Lucid Dreaming: Dream to Reality

One day I was thinking what would it be like to control my dreams? Lucid dreaming, but how to achieve it? I quickly pulled lucid dreaming onto the computer. To lucid dream you have to notice your dreaming, "how am I supposed to do that??!!" I thought. the first suggestion was reality tests, but I didn't want to have to spin a top every 20 seconds, so I went with light. The science behind this is that while your sleeping a light will flash next to your eyes, and in your dream you will see a flash. So when you see the flash in your dream in theory you will say "hey! I'm dreaming, that's what the light means!" I did see some instructables on it but i was going for something that was not battery powered and something you wouldn't have to wear.
3d Print and Wire the Arms

First 3d print all of the parts, you print as much of the arm pieces as you want as they will determine how far the led will be able to reach. Next split your "arms" into two groups one for the right and one for the left. than you will thread the wire through. Thread with two strands, one for positive and one for negative.
Connect and Support

Now you have to add support the inside of the "arms." To do that I grabbed some thick gauged wire and threaded it through the "arms."
After this you need to solder on the leds to the wires on the side shown in the first picture
Connecting the "Arms" to the Arduino Box

Now all you have to do is insert the the arm pieces into the the slot on the arduino box. (I sanded the pieces a little to ensure a snug fit.)
Than all you have to do is put on the lid, (but due to some complications with adding the wires to the arduino and the space inside, I'm leaving the lid off on mine.)
Finnish the Connections

This step should is the hardest.... OK I'm just kidding!! all you have to do is solder the Positive sides to a female adapter for the arduino and do the same with the negative side but on another adapter.
Connect the positive connections to PIN 13 and the negative to the GROUND PIN.
Pull the Lever!!

Now it is time to try it out, upload the attached file to the arduino. when you plug it in the leds will blink once for one second, This is to show you that the program is up and running. Than they will blink again after 3.5 hours, just to make sure your sleeping.
My Conclusion
In the end the Lucid dream machine did work!! I'm hoping to control my dreams soon haha!! And though It might not work the first time, all it takes is persistence. Feel free to download the code and change it up!! See what works best for you and stay classy!!!