My entry to the Plastics Contest was born out of a desire to further the use and development of rails and attachments built into the design of each K'nex gun. The premise behind the MARR (Modular Assault Rifle Re-born) was to take the desire to progress rails and attachments and to take it to the extreme. Some K'nex guns have rails, although they are mostly limited to the top and bottom portions of the gun because the K'nex community as a whole has struggled to come up with a suitable side mount for rails.
With the introduction of the MARR, the system I came up with will change the future design of side mounted rails for the better. Having the word modular in the acronym for the name of this gun also made me want to see what other aspects of the gun I could change. In the end, due to time and piece constraints, I was able to create another stock and a drum magazine that could work inter-changeably with the original stock or original magazine.
This was a very fun project to develop over the past few months. It presented many difficulties but I knew that I wanted to create something that would push not only my building standards, but those of the community's as well. I also created a myriad amount of different attachments to utilize the rails that were my primary focus for this project. All the attachments pictured will have their own step in this instructable and have their own instructions so you can build those as well.
All in all, I have probably spent 250-300 hours working on this, the build itself, the attachments, taking pictures, and making instructions. I really hope you enjoy looking through the pictures and/or building along with your own K'nex at home. This was super fun to create and just as fun to play around with, I hope that you enjoy it as much as I do.
Shoots White Rods a distance of 60 feet or 18 1/4 meters with three rubberbands
Top & Bottom Rails
Side Rails!
A ton of spots to put attachments
Can be made to look like a M16/M4 Variant
Can be made to look like a sniper
Removable & Preloadable magazine
Great Instructions
A ton of attachments!
Instructions for attachments
Innovative trigger
Has a port for the "shells" to come out of. Doesn't eject shells but provides a cool view into the gun
Please vote for me in the Plastic Contest if you enjoyed the MARR!
Piece Count
This is the number of pieces you will need to build the default, basic version of the MARR. Each attachment will have its own piece count in its own individual step.
Total Pieces: 1,120
Rods: 594
Green: 413 (Pic 1)
White: 154 (Pic 2)
Blue: 22 (Pic 3)
Red: 2 (Pic 4)
Grey: 1 (Pic 5)
Black(Reinforced Grey): 2 (Pic 6)
Modified/Broken Rods: 6
White: 6 (See in pictures 7,8)
Connectors: 433
Grey(one slot): 42 (Pic 9)
Grey(two slot): 11 (Pic 10)
Red: 46 (Pic 11)
Green: 3 (Pic 12)
Grey(four slot): 7 (Pic 13)
Yellow: 196 (Pic 14)
Orange: 97 (Pic 15)
Blue: 15 (Pic 16)
White: 16 (Pic 17)
Modified/Broken Connectors: 4
Orange(Tabs shortened, see pictures 18,19): 3, only 2 necessary though
Red(One tab broke, see pictures 20-22): 1, not necessary though
Miscellaneous: 83
Y-Slot: 21 (Pic 23)
Blue Spacers: 30 (Pic 24)
Grey Spacer: 1 (Pic 25)
Hinges: 2 (Pics 26,27)
Tan Clip: 9 (Pics 28,29)
Blue Clip: 14 (Pic 30)
Small Hard Black Wheel: 4 (Pics 31,32)
Ball Socket: 2 (Can be substituted by grey one slot connectors) (Pics 33,34)
Main Body
In this step, you will be creating the handle, trigger, trigger mechanism, inner barrel, magwell, and the stock and barrel attachment points. Within the handle you will see a red connector with a tab missing, this piece isn't 100% necessary but I feel it adds to the gun. If you don't want to break a piece, you can just use a grey two slot connector there instead, but your trigger may reset farther forward than you would like.
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Within this step you will be building the primary innovation of this gun, the barrel, rails, and rail covers. This should be one of the easier steps.
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Standard Stock(With Pin Guide)
You will be creating the standard stock and pin attachment point in this step.
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
This is fairly straightforward, you will be creating the standard magazine. Down at the bottom side of the magazine, in picture #, you will see an orange connector with its tabs shortened. It is completely unnecessary, but since I have multiple modified pieces from other builds, I thought it would increase the aesthetics of the magazine.
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Finishing Touches
Within this step you will be assembling all of the pieces of the gun you have built so far, and then making it able to fire. Please follow all image notes in this step, very important that you do. Pin construction is a vital portion of determining how your gun will perform.
From this point on the gun is yours to do with whatever you want, I would love to see yours if you built it and what attachments you might have made or created yourself! Each step after this one is an attachment I came up with myself and have included instructions for.
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
This might not need to be said for advanced builders, but for those who are newer to this sort of thing, this step will show how attachments work and how to add/remove them from the gun. I might also make a youtube video explaining this process.
Simple enough, great for stabbing! *will not pierce skin, or, really anything for that matter
Green rod: 30
White rod: 16
Blue rod: 3
Grey(1) Con: 2
Grey(2) Con: 1
Red Con: 13
Green Con: 1
Yellow Con: 17
White Con: 2
Blue Clip: 1
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Grenade Launcher
Sidenote - Doesn't actually shoot grenades, however it is loosely based on the m203 grenade launcher and shoots some projectiles.
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
M4 Styled Stock
A different stock if you are unhappy with the original, unfortunately, this does compromise the gun's ability to shoot while this is attached, you will not be able to pull the pin back. However, this thing does look pretty awesome.
Green rod: 40
White rod: 11
Grey rod: 4
Grey(1) Con: 1
Grey(2) Con: 2
Red Con: 3
Green Con: 7
Yellow Con: 13
Orange Con: 5
Blue Con: 2
White Con: 29
Blue Clip: 5
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Carrying Handle/M16 Style Sight
This coupled with the M4 style stock and extended barrel makes this gun look close to a M16/M4 variant. This really isn't a functional sight, but looks nice when put with the other M16/M4 furniture. The carrying handle will support the weight of the gun, but I'd still be gentle with it.
Green rod: 22
White rod: 3
Blue rod: 2
Grey(2) Con: 2
Red Con: 3
Green Con: 2
Orange Con: 18
Rubberband: 1
Orange Con Tab Broke: 2
Cut Green Rod: 1
Blue Spacer: 4
Y Clip: 6
Tan Clip: 2
Blue Clip: 2
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Extended Barrel M16/M4 Style
This will compromise the gun's ability to shoot as it blocks the barrel. But it looks nice when the other M16/M4 elements are on the gun.
Green rod: 21
White rod: 9
Blue rod: 1
Grey(1) Con: 3
Grey(2) Con: 1
Red Con: 4
Green Con: 3
Yellow Con: 16
Blue Clip: 1
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Drum Magazine
This does absolutely nothing to increase the size of the magazine, as it is just a shell around a normal magazine, but it looks awesome. A regular magazine will still function inside of this shell.
Green rod: 50
White rod: 87
Yellow rod: 8
Grey(1) Con: 2
Red Con: 8
Green Con: 90
Yellow Con: 3
Orange Con: 4
White Con: 14
Tan Clip: 2
Orange Angle Thing: 2
Y Clip: 4
Regular Mag: 1
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Basic Optic
Just a simple little sight, it can be paired with an attachment further down the gun that adds a dot to the sight picture.
Green rod: 8
White rod: 2
Blue rod: 3
Yellow rod: 4
Grey(1) Con: 15
Grey(2) Con: 4
Red Con: 4
Yellow Con: 2
Orange Con: 2
White Con: 4
Y Clip: 5
Blue Spacer: 8
Small Hard Plastic Wheel: 1
Yellow Con with extra Tab: 1
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Straight Grip
Up and down forward grip, nothing too fancy.
Green rod: 4
Yellow rod: 2
Grey(1) Con: 4
Yellow Con: 2
White Con: 11
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Magpul Style Angled Grip
Exactly as the title says, an angled grip somewhat styled after the magpul one.
Green rod: 20
White rod: 4
Blue rod: 2
Grey(1) Con: 5
Grey(2) Con:
Red Con: 2
Green Con: 4
Yellow Con: 4
Orange Con: 10
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Pistol Grip
Pretty much a slanted foregrip similar to a lot of handles on k'nex guns.
Green rod: 27
White rod: 10
Blue rod: 2
Grey(1) Con: 3
Grey(2) Con: 7
Red Con: 3
Green Con: 4
Yellow Con: 9
Orange Con: 4
Blue Clip: 2
Grey Spacer: 4
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Canted Iron Sights
Sights that are canted at a 45 degree angle. These are typically attached when a different optic is on the top but you want a secondary aiming method set up.
Green rod: 4
Blue rod: 8
Grey(1) Con: 2
Grey(2) Con: 12
Red Con: 2
Green Con: 4
Blue Clip:4
Y Clip: 2
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Small Bi-Pod
Collapsible mid-size bi-pod.
Green rod: 8
White rod: 18
Blue rod: 2
Yellow rod: 1
Red rod: 4
Grey(1) Con: 7
Grey(2) Con: 12
Red Con: 4
Green Con: 1
Yellow Con: 4
Orange Con: 6
White Con: 3
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Big Bi-pod
Collapsible full-size bi-pod.
Green rod: 4
White rod: 21
Blue rod: 4
Red rod: 1
Grey rod: 4
Grey(1) Con: 11
Grey(2) Con: 15
Yellow Con: 4
Orange Con: 10
White Con: 3
Y Clip: 11
Tan Clip: 2
Blue Clip 2
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Heartbeat Sensor(Foldable)
An attachment only known to people that play Call of Duty, the heartbeat sensor. While this is obviously not functional, it looks kinda cool. I made it foldable as well so you can fold it back when it is not in use.
Green rod: 8
White rod: 1
Blue rod: 2
Grey(1) Con: 2
Grey(2) Con: 3
Red Con: 6
Yellow Con: 2
Grey Spacer: 2
Blue Clip: 3
Y Clip: 4
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Obviously not a real flashlight, but this is what I came up with.
Green rod: 11
White rod: 2
Blue rod: 3
Red Con: 12
Yellow Con: 1
Blue Clip: 2
Y Clip: 1
Small Grey Gear: 1
Bug Eye Thing: 2
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Its a laser folks.
Green rod: 10
White rod: 2
Blue rod: 2
Red Con: 13
Blue Clip: 2
Y Clip : 1
Bendy Grey: 1
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Sniper Scope
Just some pieces added on to the simple optic to make it appear as a sniper scope.
Green rod: 4
White rod: 8
Orange Con: 8
White Con: 6
Y Clip: 24
Orange Con Tabs Shortened: 8
Yellow Bendy rod: 4
Basic Optic: 1
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.
Chainsaw Bayonet
This is the chainsaw bayonet. Following a news segment on USA today, the chainsaw bayonet was turned into a meme. I made it real
If you are struggling with anything, please make sure that you have read all image notes and gone over the pictures multiple times. If you are still unable to continue, drop a comment with a picture and description of your issue and I will be more than happy to get back to you.