Magnetic Blocks AKA Minecraft Blocks

by Fay3dlab in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Magnetic Blocks AKA Minecraft Blocks


after going to an minecraft event at my local mall.. i got the inspiration to make Minecraft blocks with magnets.. at the minecraft event, they were promoting the Minecraft lego sets.. and they were expensive..

So i got the idea using the same technique i made for my modular marble run project and use it as a simple cube block.. thus the minecraft magnetic block was born.. i did see a few other authers made the magnetic blocks but mine will be 3d printed and using rounded magnets.. by using rounded magnets you'll have free roam of the magnet polarities since the magnet will turn on its own inside the cube block to follow the polarity of the next block..

So lets get started..


  1. Magnet balls 5mm -
  2. Posca Paint Marker Pen -

And of course a 3d printer - i'm currently 3d printing using BambuLab P1s printer.. you can find them here if you're interested.. these are my affliliate links to buy the printer..

Modelling Everything in Tinkercad

The model is a fairly simple cube with compartments inside it to place the magnet balls at each corner of the cube.. I also made a magnet ball placement for the middle of the top and bottom cube.. this is for a later update that i'll be sharing on a different project..

I made the size of each block 20mm x 20mm x 20mm.. and once 3d printed its going to weight around 7-8g each with the 8 magnetic balls inside

I also made the stair cube so i can create stairs and roofs.. the stair cube only uses 6 magnet balls..

Each cube will require 8 magnet balls..

Assembly - Magnet Cube


When 3D printing the cube.. you'll need supports on the bottom of the cube.. the print internally will be divided to each corner for the magnet ball placement..

Place a ball on each corner and close the cube and repeat for the other side.. i usually dab a little glue on the middle of the cube cap to hold the magnet balls inside the cube.. since sometimes the magnet is so strong that it could pulls the cap off the cube..

I think using 5mm magnetic balls are the best balance of magnet strength.. you can use 3mm magnetic balls or 3mm neodym magnetic cube but it wont have enough strength to hold several magnet pieces without bottom supports..

Dont use 5mm magnet cubes as it will not be able to turn around inside the cube.. and you will lock the polarity of the cube.. making it wont stick to cubes that has the same polarity..

Assembly - Coloring

Magnetic block AKA Minecraft blocks

Since i have very limited 3d printing filaments color.. i brought a few color marker sharpies to paint onto the cubes.. use you creativity on how to paint onto the cube.. i painted mine to look like minecraft blocks



Using the cube as a base for your snap on magnetic blocks.. you can pretty much recreate the minecraft blocks if you'd like using colored filaments or paint them like i did..

Each cube weights about 8g with the magnets.. cost about USD 0.20 for me here in Malaysia since the magnets are slightly expensive.. but still is cheaper than the LEGO minecraft.. i hope you have fun 3d printing and painting the blocks..

Have fun 3d printing..