Make Infinite Breadboards
by taste_the_code in Circuits > Electronics
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Make Infinite Breadboards

When I build projects, I very often use breadboards to test the circuit before I move it to a more permanent setup. For this, I really like the mini SYB-170 type of breadboards because they are easy to work with and usually enough for what I do.
However, when the project exceeds the initial test phase or I decide to add more sensors to it, I find myself in a situation where I don't have enough pins to connect something so I need to use extra jumper cables so I can extend the reach of the pins to the other side of the breadboard.
To overcome this, I've designed a PCB that serves as a jumper that can connect the two halves of the breadboard together as well as connect two boards together. The PCB is manufactured by PCBWay, and I always use their services for my prototypes.
In this Instructable, I will show you how you can assemble the jumper and how to use it on a breadboard.
- Breadboard jumper PCB -
- Mini breadboards -
- Male header pins -
- Long female header pins -
- JCD 8898 Soldering station -
- Wire snips -
- Solder -
Assemble the Jumper PCB

To make the jumper, you first start with measuring and cutting a suitable length of header pins. The jumper PCB has 17 holes so you will need 2 headers with 17 pins each.
Since I have the PCBs in modules, I decided to build them in batches so I've cut headers for two boards at a time.
To secure the headers in place, I first soldered a single pin on each end of the headers, and I then reflowed those pins again while pressing them firmly on the board. It is crucial that the pins are perfectly aligned, as the fit and the spacing of the pins is dependent on that.
Once I was sure that the pins are straight, I soldered the rest of the pins on both headers to finalize the jumper.
Build the Jumper PCB (optional)

If you don't want to purchase the jumper PCB, you can also build one on your own by using a prototyping board.
On the prototyping board, you can place the headers with two empty rows in between and you will get the right spacing for use with breadboards.
However, you will also need to manually solder wires to each of the pins to connect them with the pin that is across it.
Connect Multiple Breadboards

Now, once you have one or multiple jumpers, you can use them to either connect a single breadboard on both sides or you can use the jumper to connect multiple boards together.
By having multiple jumpers you can connect a virtually unlimited number of breadboards to create an infinite breadboard.
I know that this is not really practical but I often find uses where I connect at least two breadboards together for a lot of my projects.