Make My Day Wire Puzzle

The Make My Day puzzle is considered a level 10 puzzle. This might surprise you because it looks so simple. You'll find it's more difficult than it looks. These are some of the reasons I love this puzzle!

1/8 copper and steel wire 1ft
1cm steel rod 1ft
Small ball (like a golf ball)
1ft para-cord
Pliers with clippers
Shine the Wires

You might have to redo this later but give the wires a good sanding.
Heating and Bending

Now its time to heat your rod and flatten one end for drilling a hole. Bend it into the paper clip shape shown. Flatten the opposite end as well.
Drill Holes

I used a 1/8 inch bit to drill holes in both ends for the rings to go through.
Round Ring and Long

Your copper and steel wire should not be hard to bend. Make a round copper ring about 1 inch diameter and a 1 1/2 long ring.
Ball, String and Shuttle

Make a wire shuttle big enough to go over and through the other rings. Use thin rope like para-cord and a small ball to attach to one end. Once the shuttle and ball have been secured you can weld the rings in place. The copper wire will need to be melted together with a torch.
