Make Some Craters

by tinkercad-support in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Make Some Craters

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The following information is a single lesson in a larger Tinkercad project. Check out this and more projects on Tinkercad.

Return to Previous Lesson: Create the Main Shape

Lesson Overview:

Now we're going to make craters!

Creating a Crater

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The moon's atmosphere is very thin compared to the Earth's. Because of this, asteroids and meteors don't break apart like they do when they enter Earth's atmosphere. This is why the surface of the moon is covered in craters.

Luckily in Tinkercad we can make one crater and then copy it over the surface of our sphere. In this section, we will focus on making a set of objects that will become the craters on the moon. When you are done with the instructions in this step, your crater should look similar to the image below.


  1. Place a cone at the bottom right corner of the Workplane.
  2. Scale the cone's height down 1/2 of it's original height(10mm).
  3. Create a box next to the cone.
  4. Select both the box and the cone. Choose Adjust Menu>Align.
  5. Click the center tabs on the X and Y axis. Also, click the highest tab on the Z axis (highlighted in red).
  6. Turn the box into a hole. Scale the box on the X and Y axis so that it is bigger than the base of the cone. Position the box so the top 2/3 of the cone are inside the box.
  7. Select both the box and cone. Select group near the top right corner. Since the box was turned into a hole, it removed the top of the cone.
  8. Create a sphere next to the cone.
  9. Select both the sphere and cone, and Choose Adjust>Align. Align the sphere in the same way as the box. Center the X and Y axis, and choose the highest tab on the Z axis.
  10. Turn the sphere into a hole in the Inspector Window. Scale the sphere down to 13mm on the Z axis.
  11. Using a white handle, Hold SHIFT and scale on all axes until the sphere is slightly bigger than the flat top of the cone. Move the sphere down on the Z axis. As the sphere moves into the cone, a dark grey circle to appear and grow in size. Move the sphere down until the dark grey circle is slightly smaller than the top of the cone.

In the next lesson you will learn to position your craters.

Next Lesson: Positioning the Craters