Easy Bean Sprouter. It Works Great.

by luxstar in Cooking > Vegetarian & Vegan

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Easy Bean Sprouter. It Works Great.

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I was reading about sprouting beans. I found this company that sells a sprouting device that looked like two stackable plastic cups and a lid. So I made a couple of them. The cups were on clearance at walmart. The blue lid is from the instant coffee container. The holes are 3/32” or 1/8”.

A complete sprouter consists of 1 cup with holes, one cup without holes and a lid with holes that fits just inside the cup with holes. If you can’t find a lid that fits just inside the top of the cup then get an oversized one that fits over the top.

Sprouting Instructions


First put about ¼ cup of beans in the cup with holes. Rinse the beans thoroughly with water. Put the cup with the holes that now contains beans inside the cup with no holes. Fill up the cup about half way with water. Put the lid on the cups. Soak the beans for about 12 hours. I soaked the mung beans in these pictures for about 16 hours by accident and they sprouted just fine. After the beans have soaked pour out the water. Rinse the beans thoroughly. Or soak again for a few minutes and drain again then do it again one more time. Then shake out the excess water. Put the cup with the beans back in the cup with no holes. Put the lid with the holes back on top of the cup with the beans.

Every 12 hours or so you will rinse and drain until the beans have sprouted as much as you like.

This picture shows what the beans look like after about 28 hours. 16 hours of soaking and 12 hours of sitting there trying to sprout. The beans have gained a lot of volume but have not sprouted yet. You and your beans should not be discouraged. Sprouts are most likely less than a day away at this point.

Sprouts Ahoy!


You now have some sprouts.  More on the way shortly,  This picture is after 40 hours.

Aye, More Sprouts.


After a little less than 3 days I had a lot of sprouts. With 3 sprouters you could have this many sprouts every day.

Yer Done Matey.


I decided to sprout a little longer. When you are done, rinse and drain thoroughly one last time and then put the whole thing in the fridge with the lid on in the fridge or put the sprouts in a bag or another container and refrigerate.

Bigger Sprouter

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I also made a big sprouter. I used sterilite containers. Their web site says that all their containers are made out of food safe plastics.