Make Vintage Bottle Candles

by DIYwithCaitlin in Craft > Art

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Make Vintage Bottle Candles

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Learn how to make authentic vintage bottle candles with this easy tutorial. (Video included as well!)

PS: This is my first EVER instructable! Would you take a second to vote for me in the First Authors Contest? It's the little gold metal in the upper right corner. Thanks! You're the best. :)

Prepare the Mold

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Cut 4 pieces of cardboard to create a rectangle. This rectangle should be 1" larger than your bottle in all dimensions. This will ensure that your mold will be strong enough to retain it's shape. Then tape the sides together with packing tape. I recommend taping both sides (outside and inside) with tape. You'll be pouring liquid into this and you don't want it leaking out!

Glue Down the Bottle

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Put a cork in the bottle and hot glue gun it upside down to a piece of cardboard.

Take the rectangle we made in step one and place it over the bottle. Seal with hot glue.

Mix the Silicone

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This is the easiest step EVER. Just mix equal parts A and B together in a bowl until well combined. There are lots of different types of silicone out there. I got this kit on Amazon for about $30.

Pour Your Mold

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Make sure to pour the silicone in at an angle to avoid creating air bubbles. Let your mold harden for at least 6 hours but preferably overnight.

Cut Out Your Bottle

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When cutting through the silicone use a sharp exacto or scalpel. Do not just cut a straight line. Remember, you'll be pouring hot liquid wax inside so try and cut in a zig zag pattern.

Making Candles

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It's SUPER important to choose the right wick size for your object. Use a wick guide from your preferred candle seller. I like to use Candle Science. They're very knowledgeable and have great products. Based on the diameter of your bottle you'll use a different type of wick.

I poked a hole in the bottom of my mold (in the center) and threaded the wick through. To secure the wick in place you can tape the bottom down and use chopsticks to secure the top. Do all of this before melting your wax.

You should use parafin (not soy) wax for this project. Parafin wax is best for pillar candles, like this one. Melt the wax down in a double boiler and pour into mold.

Note: I also secured the sides of my molds with rubber bands and tape. Nothing leaked out, so ultimately it wasn't necessary, but do this step over a lipped cookie sheet just in case you have spills!

Remove Your Candle

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Definitely the most fun and rewarding step! Remove your candle and cut the wick 1/4" above the wax. Enjoy!

Good luck making your own silicone mold candles! Send your photos to me on Facebook! or follow me on Instagram.

Did you miss the video? Watch the full tutorial below!