Make Your Eyes Glow Red

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let me guess. You were spending so much time on the internet getting ideas for costumes that you ran out of time to make a really cool one, so you came here hoping for a last minute costume that looks absolutely awesome and won't break bank. Well have no fear, if that's the case then you are in the same boat I was in. That's why I built the cyborg mask? glasses? I don't know what to call them but they look absolutely awesome in the dark, in the light there kind of questionable but still cool.
My inspiration came after watching one of the terminator movies, either the second or third one (I can't remember). I really liked how there eyes looked in the dark with the red glow that adds the perfect combination of creepy and cool to convince me that I had to make that. I grabbed my camera, some wire, and some scrap LEDs and got to work. The final product turned out perfectly I had to fix a couple of mistakes with my soldering, but I eventually got it working.
To be able to build this all you need to know is the basics of LEDs and soldering. It's as easy as connecting an LED to a battery. Over all its pretty easy, I must tell you now not to get discouraged if you make a mistake because it's most likely a simple mistake that can easily be fixed.
I hope you like this one, be sure to subscribe to me for many more instructables like this one coming soon, also if you like this then be sure to favorite it. If you have any questions or comments then be sure to leave them below, I'm very good at responding and if I don't right away then just be patient and I will respond to you soon. Please be sure to vote for me, thank you.

Here's what you will need to build this
- enamel coated magnet wire( I scraped mine from the inside of an old transformer, the wire I used was relatively
- 2x red LEDs, any size will do, but the smaller the better. If you wanted you could even use surface mount, but it would be increasingly difficult to do
- 2x button cell batteries
- 2x copper strips or a battery clip to hold the batteries
- Razor blade or a knife to scrape off the enamel
- Tape
- Scissors
- Soldering iron
- Solder
- A red marker to mark the positive leads

start by taking on end of the wire and run it from your pupil to the back of your head. Then make a bend in the wire. This will make one side of our eyes.

as you can see here I have done the same thing to the other side. The bends are where the LEDs will go. There are the two ends in the back and that's where the battery will go.

now using the razor blade, scrape off the enamel on the battery connections then mark one on the connections with the red marker.

I the bends where the leds will go need to be cut and marked with the marker signifying where the positive lead goes.

now solder the LED to the wires, be sure that it is soldered correctly because if it isn't then it won't turn on. Also bend the LED out and cut all the extra wires so nothing accidentally pokes you in the eye.

Do the same thing to the other side.

Now add either the copper strips or your socket then place the batteries in.

if it turns on then you did every thing correctly, if not then you may need to check everything to make sure that it's all soldered correctly.

if you didn't use a socket then you will have to use tape to attach the batteries. If you use this method then you can use a paper clip to ensure that everything stays together. To turn it off just use a piece of paper to break the circuit by sliding it in between the two batteries. To finish it up, twist the wires up to give them strength.
To wear it put the LEDs in front of your eyes and put the battery on the back of your head. The wires can rest on your ears like glasses if you have long hair then you can hide the wires there which makes it look more realistic. If you have short hair then you will have to rely on the night to mask the wires. To make sure the LEDs stay in front of your eyes you can attach a string in between the two LEDs to keep them close to your face.
I hope you like this one, be sure to subscribe to me for many more instructables like this one coming soon, also if you like this then be sure to favorite it. If you have any questions or comments then be sure to leave them below, I'm very good at responding and if I don't right away then just be patient and I will respond to you soon. Please be sure to vote for me, thank you.