Make Your Fridge PURRfect

by evilker96 in Craft > Reuse

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Make Your Fridge PURRfect


Do you

  • Want to make your kids feel like they have a say in your house decoration?
  • Want to remind yourself doing important stuff like buying more milk or eggs?
  • Want to just spice up the looking of your plain fridge?
  • All of the above without spending more than a 1$?

Then this instructable it's just for you!

When I was a child I used to create these cute magnets that used to remind me do things:

  • Meeting with friends
  • Calling my grandparents
  • Doing HW

Today I use it for grocery and to leave notes to my partner.

In this instructable I will teach you how to easily do it with no time and money.


  1. Plumbers Stickers (that are being put on your front door)
  2. Stickers of numbers/letters/days of week
  3. Stickers of grocery products/ your friends/ anything you find cool

Collecting the Magnets


You can find them in any stairway in any building.

Collect as many shapes as you can so it can fit as many kinds of stickers in the next stages

Stick the Stickers


Put the stickers on the magnets and stick them, try to be as close to the layouts as you can for an easier cut and nicer look.



After you have the sticker on the magnet you should cut it carefully so you won't see the other parts of the magnet that you didn't use

Use It


Now it's time to hang it on the fridge and use it.

You can use it in any way you want, be creative and have fun with it!