Make Your Own Stickers!

For this project I decided to reuse some paper from various projects - like my Spider-Man face shell and some sewing patterns. I also used some contact paper that's left over from a neighbors project. I'm not sure what she was working on, but there is plenty of it left to make stickers!

- Scrap Paper
- Clear Contact Paper (or clear tape if you don't have the contact paper. Also, if you use tape then you'll need parchment paper)
- Drawing Supplies (like pens and pencils)
- Scissors
That's it!
Draw the Design

The first thing you need to do is draw out the sticker designs on a piece of paper. You can either come up with your own designs, or find some fun things off the internet to trace or use as a reference. Just make sure you're not stealing anyone's art or making profit off it. Once you finish drawing them, cut them out.
Making the Sticker (contact Paper Version)

Now that you have the designs, lay them on the contact paper. Make sure to leave the contact paper stuck to the backside, and not peel it off. This way, your stickers will have a sticky back and will be able to adhere to things (Pic 1).
Next cut out another piece of contact paper that's bigger than your sticker design. This piece you are going to want to peel off (Pic 2). Once you've peeled it off, place it over the design and stick it to the bottom layer of contact paper. Make sure there are no air bubbles between the two pieces of contact paper. You can roll a pen or something over it a few times to double check (Pic 3).
When the design is sandwiched between contact paper, it should look like pic 4. It doesn't show very well in the picture, but there's a slight sheen on the design where the top layer of contact paper is. Lastly, cut out the design. But make sure to leave an edge/border of contact paper so the design doesn't just fall off (Pic 5)
Making the Sticker (tape Version)
First off, sorry but I don't have any pictures of this.
Secondly, the process for using tape is nearly identical to using contact paper. The only major difference is that the tape doesn't already have a backing. So to replicate the same backing as on contact paper, you're going to want to use parchment/wax paper. Simply put a few pieces of tape side by side on the parchment paper and repeat the steps above. Meaning, put the design over the tape, put tape over the design (like a tape sandwich) and cut the design out. Just remember to leave a border of the tape so the design doesn't fall off. Sorry again that there's no pictures for this step.
You're Done!

That's it! It really is that simple. Congrats, you've just made your very own stickers! Enjoy!