Make a 5MM Led Toggle on Off Button

by yvzkaan in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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Make a 5MM Led Toggle on Off Button


I've made a 5mm led with resistor pre built in. You can prepare a led like i have did or use a breadboard and resistor seperately if you want (that was too messy for me so i made my own)


Raspberry pi (any with header pins except pico)

5MM Led

Resistor suitable for your LED (if you havent made it built in or purchased it with pre built in the led)

A touch sensor

Female to female jumper cable for the sensor

OPTIONAL: Make a 5MM Led With Resistor Built In

First of all get 2 jumper cables (one end must be female). Cut the other end from the near of it so they dont have length differences. Strip the 2 jumper cables equally and determine the + and - Leg of your pin. Calculate the resistance value (formula is Resistance = Voltage / Current). Cut the + Leg so that when the resistor is soldered, it doesnt effect the length of the leg. Solder it, let cool down the LED. Get one of the jumper cable and solder to the end of the resistor and the other jumper cable to the other leg. Use a third hand stand for easier soldering or get help from someone you know.

After soldering, add individual heat shrink tubes to both of the legs for insulation and a main insulation after the leg insulation is completed. Connect the + Jumper cable to GPIO17 and - To GND

Connect Your Led

Connect your led with your accurate resistor, + pin to GPIO17 - pin to GND

Connect Touch Sensor

Connect GND to GND VCC to 5V and IO to GPIO27

Set Up the Software

Install Python3 on your Pi using

sudo apt-get install python3

Install Python IDLE on your Pi using

sudo apt-get install idle3

Open IDLE and click New File

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import time

# Set the GPIO mode and the pin numbers for the touch sensor and LED
touch_pin = 27
led_pin = 17

# Setup the touch sensor pin as input and the LED pin as output
GPIO.setup(touch_pin, GPIO.IN)
GPIO.setup(led_pin, GPIO.OUT)

# Variable to keep track of the LED state (True for ON, False for OFF)
led_state = False

    while True:
        if GPIO.input(touch_pin) == GPIO.HIGH:
            led_state = not led_state  # Toggle the LED state
            GPIO.output(led_pin, led_state)  # Turn on/off the LED based on the state
            if led_state:
                print("Light: ON")
                print("Light: OFF")
            time.sleep(0.5)  # Debounce delay to avoid multiple toggles on a single touch
            # Optional: You can include an LED OFF statement here if desired.
except KeyboardInterrupt:

Save it as in Desktop

Open terminal and run the 2 commands

cd Desktop
sudo python3

Press the touch sensor and the light will enable, press it again and it will disable.

Ask your questions if you got some! (: