Make a Custom LED Mask

by HarperDouglas in Circuits > Wearables

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Make a Custom LED Mask


Our society has a problem. And that is that there are not enough people walking around with blinding LEDs strapped to their faces. I aim to remedy this and also look cool while doing so.

All the code I'm using for this is here:

I'll be adding more and more functions to this over time as well.


  • 1 m strip of individually addressable LED strip lights. Make sure the lights are close together to get the best resolution on the mask:
  • Arduino UNO (or similar... I used a fake Arduino I got from a kit a while ago because I lost the cord to my actual one). Actually I would recommend an Arduino Nano because its much smaller, but I don't have one of those soooo....
  • 4 x AA battery pack (plus batteries)
  • Altoids tin (or similar container)
  • Wire. For the cord from the mask to the Arduino, make sure to get some that is fused together in some way. You only need 3 wires together, but I had an extra 2 in case I want to add a mic in there in the future.
  • Hot glue gun
  • Soldering iron

  • Black fabric mask that fits your face well
  • Black mesh, enough to layer 3 times over the lights. Depending on your mesh, you may need more or less to have the light level be right while still obscuring the electronics. Test when you're buying it with a phone flashlight.
  • Black fabric to go around the corners of the mesh. I just cut up another mask that was too big for me and used that material.
  • Sewing supplies

Set Up LEDs


Make sure your LEDs are working and you know how to use them first-- connect GND, 5V, and the data pin to 7 on the Arduino. I used a basic rainbow function to make sure everything was in working order.

Basically just make sure you have the right batteries, know how to set everything up, etc.

Cut and Solder


Then cut your LED strip into smaller pieces (along the spots where it directs you to cut, obviously). In my case, I cut 3 strips each of 7 and 8 LEDs, so that I could stagger them on the mask and get less dead space. When cutting, make sure you keep track of which ends were connected to each other, because if you accidentally solder them together backwards, you'll have some problems.

Solder together each connection that you cut. It'll end up coming out sort of like a serpentine pattern. I pre-made my wire jumpers so that they were all the same length, so I could keep everything neat.

There will be arrows (at least on the strip I bought) directing the proper flow of current. Make sure those are all in line (they shouldn't be all facing to the right or left. They must alternate because you're basically folding the LED strip back and forth like an accordion on itself)

At the start of the strip (use the arrow to know which end that is), solder in your longer wire which will go to the Arduino. It should be long enough to stretch from the top of your ear to your back pocket, or wherever you want to keep the Altoids tin. Maybe even put it in your bra, if you have one.

Here you can set up some basic functions in code. Github repo in the intro if you just want to be lazy.

Altoids Tin


Drill a hole in the side of the altoids tin large enough for your long wire + some to fit through. Hot glue the battery pack to the back of the altoids tin. I added some yellow paper to the inside of mine to make it look nice and also to prevent contacts from touching the metal tin (this involved tracing out the bottom and sides of the tin on paper and just cutting it out, folding, and trimming until it fit)

Keep track of which wires are coming from where on the LED strip itself. Poke them through the hole and connect GND to GND, 5V to 5V, and the signal to 7. Also attach the wires from the battery pack to GND and Vin. Hot glue if you like to keep everything in.



Clean your mask and position the LEDs on the surface of the fabric. When you're satisfied with where everything will go, peel the sticky backing off the strips and stick them down. Then, start sewing the edges of the LED strips in, weaving in between each of the wires a few times. I made sure to only go through the outer layer of fabric on the mask. Sew the longer wire to the mask as well. For a final bit of security, also lightly sew around the entire strip to keep everything tied down. Positioning the strips on the mask is pretty awkward because of its shape, so just be patient.

Mesh & Outer Trimming


Layer 3 pieces of mesh over the lights and sew around the perimeter. Again, make sure you're only going through the front layer of the mask. Cut away excess and then layer on some pieces around the edge of the mesh to make everything look clean. Fold over edges of this outer fabric to give a nicer look.



Enjoy looking cooler than literally everybody else. Also don't get it wet. IDK what happens if you get it wet but I assume it would be bad.