Make a Mask in 4 Days

For this project it is necessary to start from a base, this base is a sphere that I reused from a previous project.
It's a plastic sphere that I lined with newspaper and glue, it was already dry when I started this 4 day project.
A plastic sphere as a mold.
flour and water glue
waste sponge
Kraft paper
masking tape
hair dryer
Day One

On the already dry sphere, I began to draw a sketch of the character's face. Then, with a sponge that I had to spare, I began to give it volume according to the cat's features. I glued these parts with masking tape.
The parts are snout, mouth, eyebrows, cheeks and ears.
Once fixed, I covered everything with 2 or 3 layers of newspaper, and let dry.
Day Two

Once the cat's face was dry, I glued the ears and began to make the whiskers with more sponge, which I held with masking tape.
Then I gave it 2 or 3 layers of newspaper, this time I covered it with a layer of magazine paper to see how it went.
Let dry.
Day 3

This day I cut the sphere in half, I used a screwdriver to use as a lever. Once open, I took out the plastic sphere in the center (which I can use for other projects)
I joined the already hollow sphere again with scotch tape and then reinforced it with more strips of glued newspaper.
And I gave him 2 or 3 more layers of newspaper again.
I cut the mouth to have vision and air.
I finally gave it a layer of kraft paper to soften the details, I tried it on my head, it looked good.
As a detail I made the nose with plasticine, glued it and covered it with more kraft paper.
Let dry, or you can help yourself with a hair dryer.
Day 4

Once the mask was dry, I started painting with white paint, then I painted the lighter colors.
With the dremel I cut the eyes to be able to see out and I made some holes in the back and glued a piece -which came in a yoga mat- to be able to attach the mask to the suit
The only outfit we had to put together the Tom cat costume was Totoro pajamas, but in this case it worked really well.
Finally I made the finer strokes with a linner brush.
And there is a simple mask for a disguise
Thank you!