Makey Makey Vending Machine

by priscillapan in Craft > Art

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Makey Makey Vending Machine

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This is a vending machine that explains the benefits and disadvantages of each beverage and snack that is commonly consumed. This is important because there are snacks like protein bars that some people will avoid by just looking at the calories, but they might not realize that the calories aren’t the only thing on the nutrition label.

This can be made for anyone, although it’s more realistic that teens and adults would see it rather than elementary school kids because their parents pack their lunch for them.


Shoe Box

X-acto knife


Black Construction Paper


Tape/ Glue stick

Hot glue gun



Printer Paper

Writing Utensil

Cutting the Shoebox

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1. Measure off ¾ inch from the top and left (the shoebox should open from the right)

2. Measure off 2.5 inches from the right Measure off 3 inches from the bottom of the box

3. Cut out the cardboard with the xacto knife according to the measurements made

Making the Shelves

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1. Measure the length and height of the box and mark that length onto a piece of cardboard

2. Cut out the dimensions found in step above on a new piece of cardboard twice

3. Hot glue the pieces of cardboard to the bottom of the box

4. Use the dimensions found in step six and cut accordingly on a piece of white paper

5. Cut out the white paper and tape or glue it onto the top of pieces of cardboard that was hot glued in step 8

Making the Food and Drinks

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1. Print and cut out images of food

2. Cut out pieces of paper that match the width of each food but is approx. 3-4 inches long.

3. Fold that piece of paper in ¾

4. Tape the shorter half of the paper behind the image of the food, forming a stand

5. Repeat for the rest of the food

6. Line up the crease made on the piece of paper in step 3 with the edge on the cardboard shelf mentioned in the previous section and tape it down by the longer side of the paper.

7. Repeat for the rest of the food

Numbering/ Labeling the Food

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1. Cut out 1-2cm squares and write numbers 1-8 on it

2. Tape those numbers below each food/ drink

Making the "coin Slots"

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1. Cut out 2 pieces of cardboard, one 1 inch long and by .5 inches wide and the other 1 inch long and 5/4 inches long

2. Cut out 2 piece of black construction paper with the same dimensions

3. Tape/ glue the black construction paper to the cardboard

4. Tape the cardboard to the shoe box, on the right side, approximately 5-6 inches down

5. Tape the piece of cardboard that is wider (.5 in) on the left and the (5/4 in) cardboard on the right side, with a tiny space between

Creating the Keypad

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1. Cut out a piece of cardboard 3 inches long and 2 inches wide

2. Use those same dimensions to cut out a white piece of paper

3. Divide the paper into thirds horizontally and and vertically, resulting in 9 sections

4. Number those sections with numbers 1-9

5. Place a piece of foil under the odd numbers, and make sure that the pieces don’t touch each other. The foil goes on top of the cardboard, beneath the paper.

Attaching the Makey- Makey

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1. Clip one end of a wire to the Earth (Ground) Bar, and hold the other end while playing

2. Clip one end of a wire to number 1 on the keypad and the other end to the Space Bar on the makey makey

3. Clip one end of a wire to number 3 on the keypad and the other end to the Up Arrow Bar on the makey makey

4. Clip one end of a wire to number 5 on the keypad and the other end to the Left Arrow Bar on the makey makey

5. Clip one end of a wire to number 7 on the keypad and the other end to the Down Arrow Bar on the makey makey

The link to the scratch project: