Making BIG Lego Darth Vader

by bobes360 in Circuits > Art

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Making BIG Lego Darth Vader


First of all I have to say : THIS IS NOT MY IDEA. The idea comes from this guy

I thought it looks awesome and I decided to make it. Mine is a bit smaller about 26 cm. But for me he has it complicated so I thought about making it on my own and IT WORKED.

but there are some problems : I wasn't sure if it will look nice so I do not have almost any pictures of making it so I will try to explain it. Another problem is I wanted to make shiny helmet and it is so shiny that my camera doesn't take it but in real it looks super cool.

Step 1 : Materials, Tools...

-Software requirements (like your skills) : basics of geometry (perimeter, area of square, circle, rectangle), how to use knife and scissors and not to cut yourself, knowing how to use calliper

Hardware requirements (like tools If you don't know -_- )This figure is (except lightsaber) made entirely from harder paper than usual.(I used A3)

-Tools I used :



some other measuring tools like RULER, PROTRACTOR, COMPASSES



GLUE (I used glue for paper that turns transparent after hardening)

Step 2 : Thinking

First I did was : I found 2 pieces of paper tubes that slides together easily.

Than I measured neck of figure with calliper and the smaller tube. I divided it and get the number 6 - it is VERY important.

Now everything you do you have to do it in 1:6 scale - that means you have to enlarge it 6 times to get the wanted result.

I did this on the picture above - I draw every single piece of the lego figure 2x - first one has measurements of real figure and the second one has it 6 times bigger. ( you might want to measure it yourself because here it is not readible).

Now it's finally time to make something.

Step 3 : Head

First I made rectangle for the face it is in my case 3 cm x ((diameter * π(3.14) = 18.8)

I glued it to two tubes joined together and the top and bottom curved places are done by gluing triangles. But have everything measured properly - like the tubes sticking out.

Yeah, I know it doesn't look very well but if you have any solution how to make it both : easy and nice I will do it again.

Step 4 : Body

Draw the bottom line ( 9,24 cm) now make a centre of this line and make hight (7,7 cm) throught this point. Now draw parallel (3,5 cm) line on the end of hight on both sides. Now join these lines and you have a part of body done.

To the bottom line draw two rectangles on both sides under 45° (4,8 cm x 7,7 cm). And make holes for arms. And a rectangle (9,24 cm x 4,8 cm) to bottom.

To the top line draw a rectagle (7 cm x 4,8 cm) with hole in the middle for tube (neck).

To this rectangle- on top- make the same shape like this "Draw the bottom line ( 9,24 cm) now make a centre of this line and make hight (7,7 cm) throught this point. Now draw parallel (3,5 cm) line on the end of hight on both sides." but turned in 180° for back but I didn't glued it to rest of the body because of next steps.

Step 5 : Arms, Hands, Legs, Cloak

For arms I just glued those two tubes together under a small angle.

For hands, legs, cloak just use your geometry skills and mathematics. Be independent - and remember I did it - You will do it too. Don't follow everything like sheep and show your self you can make it on your own. I know this page is about showing people thing and how to do them but I think I'm not able to explain everything I did to you - it is even harder because my mother language is Czech.

Step : 6 Lightsaber

Lightsaber is just a tube with several tubes glued on top of it in layers. It is all covered in aluminium duct tape. And the "laser" is made from red foil rolled in tube and secured with duct tape.

Step 7 : Helmet

For helmet I used some kind of plastic cup that fits on head perfectly.

Than I tooked a piece of paper and using the method of " try and fail " I finally got the rest of the helmet - really I just cut out a piece of paper and it didn't work so I cut out another.

But as I said: I do not have any templates because I wasn't sure if it will be success or disaster.

Step 8 : Painting

Before painting I covered everything in paper dipped in glue for reinforcement and make the helmet round on top.

For this step I have to thank my father - he did this amazing job - head to grey colour, helmet to shiny black and the rest dull black. (the helmet still doesn't look good on photos but in real life it looks awesome)

Than I used silver, black, green and red marker and did the details according to my hand made templates I cut out. (the red and green marker might not be visible on the body- that's why I used coloured sticker.

Step 9 : Glowing Lightsaber

First I made a "ladder" of 5 parallel join LEDs.(you might want to use some resistors about 100 Ohm to the LEDs last longer). Than make socket to lightsaber to be removable with wires sticking out of the top - these are soldered to the " ladder" and the foil goes over.

Battery holder with switch goes into the body and the wires throught arm and hand where they are sticking out, waiting to be joined to lightsaber.

The last picture is a short test.


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I hope you enjoyed it. And if you have time try it!.... it is easier than you think. If you have any questions feel free to ask me down below and I will try to answer it. Thanks for attention and I hope you will show me your lego figures.