Making Banana Pudding

Love desserts? Wanna make something easy, enjoyable, and for the family. Follow these simple steps to bring good food to someone's heart.
To begin with, you'll need your ingredients. Make sure to have...
-Nilla wafer cookies
-A stem of bananas
-Jell-O Vanilla pudding (! pack)
-Milk ( 1 1/2 cups)
- Softened cream cheese that comes in a small box(1 whole pack)
-Whipped Topping (reguar sized, 1 whole pack)
-Condensed milk (! can)
-CInnamon (1 Tbsp.)
-Vanilla (1 cap-full, optional)
*Vanilla is used if you want an even sweeter taste; however, the banana pudding is plenty sweet w/o it.*
-2 Big bowls
-A serving dish (A small deep-dish pan, a medium-sized tupperware container, etc.)
The Mixtures
[The Pudding Mixture]
For this mix, you're gonna start off by emptying the Jell-O packet into a big bowl. Then, add your milk and mix it til it reaches a thick, smooth, pudding consistency. Add in cinnamon and then mix well throughout the mixture. Set in the fridge to keep cool while you make the white mixture.
[The Cream Mixture]
In another big bowl, add in the cream cheese, whipped topping, and condensed milk. (If you're going to add vanilla I would do it here.) Mix all of the ingredients until thoroughly mixed and smooth.
*If you have one, use an electric mixture to get the lumps out.*
Set inside the fridge while you do the next step.
Cutting Bananas

While you keep the mixtures cool, cut your bananas. Make sure to have even slices and that you don't make them to wide or thin. Cut the bananas on a plate or cutting bord, and make sure to have with you when you start to layer the pudding. The bananas will go on top of the cookies, so try to make sure you keep that in mind when you see you have enough of hte slices

After cutting the bananas, take out the two creams in the fridge and mix them together. You should end up with a soft, light yellow color.
Now, take the mixture and set it next to the serving dish. Grab your cookies too. Put the cookies on the bottom of the dish with the bottom-back side of the cookie facing upward. Places the bananas on each cookie. If you have enough go crazy with cookies, but if you don't try to set them in moderation. After putting your cookies and bananas in the dish, pour the mixure over the them. Repeat this till the dish is filled or you run out of cream.

You did it! you made banana pudding. Now set it in the fridge for a while (I suggest 30 min, but you could honestly eat it right now if you really want to.) and when you're ready to eat, enjoy.
You can put it in a bowl, cup, plate, mug, wine glass, etc. Anything you want. Hope you enjoyed this.