Making Very Tiny Origami

Back towards the end of May I posted a picture of a very tiny set of origami that I made using bond paper and my fingers and the question was asked, “How do you make them?”
Apparently claiming magic is not acceptable to the Instructables community.
I believe the following video will help to answer your questions.
I look forward to any comments! This is my first video post, so let me know wat you think about the editing, pacing, etc...
If you make some tiny origami of your own please post them!
Edit: I made some changes to the video to improve the quality, but after those edits I really felt that this should be broken up a bit better as a step by step Instructable, which is posted now. Thanks for the feedback everyone!
Apparently claiming magic is not acceptable to the Instructables community.
I believe the following video will help to answer your questions.
I look forward to any comments! This is my first video post, so let me know wat you think about the editing, pacing, etc...
If you make some tiny origami of your own please post them!
Edit: I made some changes to the video to improve the quality, but after those edits I really felt that this should be broken up a bit better as a step by step Instructable, which is posted now. Thanks for the feedback everyone!