Making a PCB Solder Reflow Plate
by james_workshop in Circuits > Tools
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Making a PCB Solder Reflow Plate

How I Made AfterEarthLTD Solder-Reflow-Plate Project ( )
- download the entire Solder-Reflow-Plate project
- Upload gerber , BOM & CPL files to

I use EasyEDA to design PCB and upload the design to to manufacture PCB.
JLCPCB make high quality prototyping PCBs for people all over the world. They have over 300,000 worldwide customers with over 8000 orders per day! They have over 10 years of manufacturing experience and are super reliable. Try it for your self and get 10 PCBs for just $2 at JLCPCB, New registered users US$54 offer , Order here
You can use my gerber files to ordel your own PCBs, and build this DIY Project.
Just a quick example how to order PCB from
1)press "QUOTE NOW"
2)press "Add your gerber files"
3)upload zip or rar
4)all properties could be left default
5)Press PCB Assembly
6)upload BOM & CPL

Due to the use of JLCPCB PCBA (PCB + Assembly) service, the finished product is received directly without soldering

To prepare
- Install MiniCore in additional boards; (copy into File->Preferences->Additional Boards Manager URLs)
- Then add MiniCore by searching and installing (Tools->Board->Board Manager)
- Install Adafruit_GFX and Adafruit_SSD1306 libraries (Tools->Manage Libraries)
- Install Bounce2 libraries (Tools->Manage Libraries)
To program
- Select the following settings under (Tools)
- Board->Minicore->Atmega328
- Clock->Internal 8MHz
- BOD->BOD 2.7V
- EEPROM->EEPROM retained
- Compiler LTO->LTO Disabled
- Variant->328P / 328PA
- Bootloader->No bootloader
- Set programmer of choice, e.g.'Arduino as ISP (MiniCore)', 'USB ASP', etc, and set correct port.
- Burn bootloader (to set fuses correctly)
- Compile and upload
For a more detailed tutorial, please watch my video