Mechanical Servo Hack.

Another servo hack, is this really necessary?
Only, if it adds something new. I think this one does, but correct me if I'm wrong.
As a novice, at first I found it hard to understand the differences between the types of hacks. As far as I can tell there are 3 types:
This slideshow is a variation on the last type.
Only, if it adds something new. I think this one does, but correct me if I'm wrong.
As a novice, at first I found it hard to understand the differences between the types of hacks. As far as I can tell there are 3 types:
- Total rip out hack. In this type of hack, the electronics are ripped out, and the Gnd and +5V wires are reconnected. The result is a DC motor with no digital pin. Look at the I'bles of Robomaniac and Randofo.
- Fool the electronics. This involves de-soldering the potentiometer and replacing it by two resistors, hence fooling the electronics. Look at djsures or here.
- Fool the mechanics. This involves drilling out the gear so that it does not catch the potentiometer anymore.Look at the I'ble of Zeitron
This slideshow is a variation on the last type.
- Open the servo by unscrewing the bottom.
- Remove the main gear.
- Cut the stopper on the main gear.
- Take a set of sharp pliers and cut the potentiometer.
- Set potentiometer in neutral position and glue it tight. Let it really dry prior to assembling, else you will be glueing the main gear.
- Assemble the servo. Done.