Medieval Lantern

Hello friends!
Today I'll show you, how I made this medieval style lantern!
I made it as a cool camping equipment for larp and historical events.
What You Will Need?
- rawhide (I used canvas, but I hope I'll have some rawhide from my friend soon)
- wood plank
- wooden sticks
- wire
- leather
- thread and needle
- hinges
- nails
- hook
- glue
- drill
- saw
- hammer

First step is to make some bases from wooden plank.
Choose your dimensions and shape (I wanted to make two lanterns, so one is a square and second one is an octagon).
Then just cut it on the saw.
After that clean it and champfer the edges with a belt sander (or just use a sand paper or a file)

As a next step, take sticks and cut them to desired length. Now take your bases and drill holes for the sticks according to the diameter of sticks and then drill some airholes (the bigger the better!). Then try to insert sticks in the holes so you would see, if they fit ( mine came out pretty crooked :D).
After that attach some candle holder. I used a piece of sheet metal and a nail.
Last step is to glue sticks and bases together. I only used 7 of them, because I needed some space for door and spaces between sticks were too small.

Now leave a joiner job for a moment because it's time to take a parchment or canvas and needle with thread.
Measure the circumference and height of the lantern and sketch it on canvas. Be sure to add some space for stitching.
Then just cut it out and sew it to the lantern.
It's good to use pins ;)

Almost last step is making some door.
Take the square stick and cut it according to the dimensions of the lantern (my door were something about 9cm X 14,5cm). Then nail the sticks together. You can use a glue as I did.
Then put the frame on the fabric. After that draw the shape for covering and cut it. Again I used glue and nail to secure it in the right place.
I also wanted some cool picture which would be seen when the candle is fired, so I painted some bird motif on the door.
Next step is to attach a door handle. I used a scrap piece of stick and a nail.
You can also add some hook and a loop as a lock, but mine door are pretty tough, so I didn't add it.
Last step is adding the hinges. First nail them on the door and after thet attach it to the lantern.

And we got to the final step!
I decided to make the holding strap out of leather.
I think it doesn't require a long comment. Just take a piece of leather belt and nail it to sides of the lantern :)
You could also use some hooks and a wire.
Let There Be Light!

And we got to the finish line!
So go get your candle and let there be light!
I'm not sure, how much historically acurate is this octagonal lantern (because of hinges and stuff). But I'll post the square lantern as soon as I'll get the parchment raw hide, so it should be better. But I think that for LARPing it's just fine! :)
I also had to enlarge the ventilation holes because the small ones weren't so efective when it came to the draining the hot air.
But my conclusion: I love it! And I can't wait for an opportunity to use it!
And I hope you like it too!
So be sure to leave a comment ;)