Sphere/Globe Kitchen ***My Biggest Project Ever***
by Patrick LASCHETTE in Living > Kitchen
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Sphere/Globe Kitchen ***My Biggest Project Ever***

In 2004 i bought my house and i wanted to rebuild everything... so kitchen is the mainplace in a house so i decided to put that kitchen to an other level of diying :)
Demolition an Re-building Room for Kitchen

2 years for demolition and rebuilding... see the photos for the step by step
Demolition an Re-building Room for Kitchen Part 2


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Planing and Design

I dont have skills in paintshop or other drawprograms so i choosed Microsoft paint to do my drawings
Building the Mold

I needed a mold to produce my 120 diameter bowls, so we started on building with plaster and styrofoam plates. see the photos for step by step.
after the mold was ready i taped some orange foil over it so i can easily remove the finished piece and redo an other one without destroying or damaging the mold
Building the Bowls

i cutted glasfibermats in triangles and nailed them on to the mold, thought this way it would be easier to do and would also be stronger, after all was covered i used resin to harden the glasfibermats... i had to do 2 identical bowls... unfortunately one broke i did the wrong mix with resin and hardener so infact in total i build 3 bowls :)
Reinforce Bottom Bowl

in the bottom bowl i had to make some reinforcement and to permit to set in the sink, hob etc...so i used betonplexplate and builded a frame to screw the mole on, to save some weight i cutted out unneeded space of the betonplex
Smooth Over and Filler, Sanding and Primer

So i started to fill all with carputty, layer by layer until i got a smooth surface, wetsanding and putty again and again... and sanding, and putty and sanding, and putting...the bottom bowl was pretty fast done, because i just had one side, but the topbowl was more to do because i wanted to add the extractor hood in to that bowl, i had to smooth and fill the inner side and the ouside of the bowl... so all again.. putty and sanding, putting and sanding... finally after 3 months (only worked on weekends) the results were good enought to get the bowls painted

In the kitchen room i buildet a wall where i wanted to place the Cupboard an where i could set in the oven.
In fact that was the easiest part of the hole kitchen. i took beechwood and added (glued on) some black plexiglas fronts
Bottomj-Bowl Plate

So i had to cut out the sink, the hob, a bucket and a hole for the powercable. I used two planks glued them togetter and reinforced by srewing aluminium bars under the plate

that was pretty easy, primer and 3 layers of black carcolor and finally 3 layers of protective lacquer

Meanwile the room was ready and we could mount everything... it took us 2 weekends to get all in place.
I mounted a electric cable in the seeling so i could lift the top bowl from the bottom to the top of 4 meters or higher, see photos :)... when i am not cooking, i let the bowl closed, and when i want to cook i just lift by pressing a button
It took us more then 3 years in total, but i was so excited that my ideas and drawings become reality ;)
One note for everyone, like i already mentioned my english is very very worse,...all appologies ;)