Melted Wax Drawing

i wanted to make something that was fun, interesting and easy to create. I hope you think the same.

You will need:
a hair dryer to melt the crayons
some tape
a pencil
colourful wax crayons
and a narrow canvas ( 8-16 inches).
Prepare Crayons and Canvas

Put the crayons on one side of the canvas in the order you want.
Taping Crayons

then tape the crayons on the canvas like so
Create Image
Then draw a man or women holding an umbrella (or whatever you would like on the canvas) then cover the figure up with tape. Place some scrap paper underneath your canvas to catch the drips. Tilt the canvas up about 80 degrees and then start melting the crayons at hot and at medium speed.

Tilt the canvas up about 80 degrees and then start melting the crayons at hot and at medium speed. the crayons to melt to the length you would like. Lay your canvas flat and let it cool. Then take the tape off the man and then carefully take the tape off the crayons.
Glue Crayons

Now you will nee to glue the crayon permanently to the canvas. If need be, add translucent tape to fasten and secure crayons. Your work of art is complete.