MS Office-annoyer

by Geek101 in Circuits > Software

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MS Office-annoyer

2009-04-25 07-19-05.393.jpg
This program types random letters/numbers into a text document. Be careful though, it will type in whatever window is on top (not neccisarily the intended doccument)

The Code...

Open Notepad (Start --> Accessories --> Notepad) and copy this in:

Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ("winword.exe ") (or powerpnt.exe or whatever)
wscript.sleep 20000
typesleep = rnd * 1000
dec = rnd * 100
random1 = rnd * 5000
random2 = rnd * 5000
wscript.sleep random1
if dec > 99 or dec < 2 then
msgbox "Y 0u jv$t g0t PwNEd!", 4096, "M@j0r 0wN@9e!"
end if
if dec < 10 then
wscript.sleep random2
objshell.sendkeys "wx$va9qy%u?p"
end if
if dec > 10 AND dec < 20 then
wscript.sleep 10000
objshell.sendkeys "aQ7vB's#x@01!p"
end if
if dec > 20 AND dec < 30 then
wscript.sleep 10000
objshell.sendkeys "oPbt0&je9o<\"
end if
if dec > 30 and dec < 40 then
wscript.sleep 8000
objshell.sendkeys "he1p im @ bu9!"
end if
if dec > 40 And dec < 50 then
wscript.sleep random1
objshell.sendkeys "{enter} Toodloo... I'm outta here! "
end if
if dec > 50 and dec < 60 then
wscript.sleep 20000
objshell.sendkeys "Press any key to continue . . ."
end if
if dec > 60 and dec < 70 then
objshell.sendkeys "{bs} hijklmnop123456"
end if
if dec > 70 and dec < 80 then
wscript.sleep 30000
objshell.sendkeys "Boinga Woinga! "
end if
if dec > 80 and dec < 90 then
wscript.sleep random2
objshell.sendkeys "Virus alert!! A virus has been detected. {enter} Warning. Virus detected!"
end if
if dec > 90 and dec < 100 then
objshell.sendkeys "SYSTEM UPDATE! 10101100101101011001101010! registry change detected! remove cmd.exe? Reformating... Program requesting access to internet."
end if


Blaaaaaaaaaaah! Sooooo confusing! Well, not really. All it's doing is randomly generating a number, which it uses to decide what to type in. Eventually, It will say "Y 0u jv$t g0t PwNEd!" and stop running.

Save it as Microsoft Word.vbs

Now right click and select "create shortcut". Rename it as Microsoft Word. Now go to properties and change the icon to the MS Word icon. I couldn't find an exact copy of the icon, but here are some good alternates.

In this picture, I typed :

Hello, My name is joe, and i work in a button factory. one day, my boss came up to me and said "hey joe, are ya busy, and i said no" So he said push this button with your right foot right foot...

But it came out as:

Hello, My name is joe, and i work in a button factory. one day, my boss hijklmnop123456came SYSTEM UPDATE! 10101100101101011001101010! registry change detected! remove cmd.exe? Reformating... Program requesting access to internet.up to me and said Virus alert!! A virus has been detected.
Warning. Virus detected!"hey joe, are ya busy, and ioPbt0&je9o<\ said no" So he said he1p im @ bu9!push this button with your he1p im @ bu9!right foot right foot...he1p im @ bu9!

Mcafee Lol!