Migraine Pain Relief Lamp

Green Light Therapy (GLT) is beginning to emerge for it pain relieving properties and more.
What I liked about this technology is that the pain relief was documented in lab animals, not people. This eliminates the human placebo effect.
Green Light Therapy (GLT) is similar to Red Light Therapy (RLT). It’s a simple, non-invasive procedure using light. With GLT we are using green light with wavelengths between 515 nm and 540 nm.
Green light initiates biochemical reactions at the cellular level as does red light.
GLT for Migraines:
Many migraine sufferers are light-sensitive. Strong light intensifies their migraine pain. Which leads sufferers to rest in a darkened room until the migraine passes. In a light sensitivity study performed by Rami Burstein and colleagues [3], they found that majority of the participants’ headaches intensified to all colors of light with the exception of green light. Furthermore, they found that green light even reduced pain by 20%.
In efforts to explain this result, Burstein and colleagues conducted follow-up tests to measure signals and reactions in response to different light colors. Their findings showed that neurons in the thalamus (the part of the brain that transmits information about light) were least responsive to green light.
GLT for the Pain of Fibromyalgia:
Researcher Mohab Ibrahim and colleagues, studied the effects of Green Light on pain using rats.
Results showed that the rats exposed to green light benefited from reduced pain. [4] [5] Rats as far as I know do not succumb to a placebo effect, so this study measured a real reduction in pain for the rats.
The rat study initiated another study. Because Green Light is simple to implement and noninvasive, Rajesh Khanna conducted a clinical trial on people. His research looks at the effects of green LED light on people with chronic pain from fibromyalgia. Participants were provided and asked to use a green LED light strip for one to two hours nightly for ten weeks.
If you’re curious about how the study went, then you should know that two participants refused to return their green LED lights. Another wrote to the researcher and asked for the light back. [5]
GLT for Pets
There is every reason to believe green light will also help alleviate pain in pets and animals.
1 - 3” OD plastic transparent tube 7” in length
1 - sheet of white paper 8” x 10”
2 - 4” x 4” x 1/2” wood squares
1- 1-1/4” diameter wood dowel 7” long
From Amazon.Com
The links below are NOT affiliated links. I do not have any financial incentive for posting this Amazon product or if you decide to purchase these items.
600 LEDs Light Strip Waterproof, SUPERNIGHT 16.4FT Green LED Rope Lighting Flexible Tape Decorate for Bedroom Boat Car TV backlighting Holidays Party (Green 460 nanometer) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BSODFOK
YUNBO DC 12V 10A Power Supply Adapter,120W AC 110-240V to DC 12V 10A Transformers for 12V LED Strip Lights
Making a Pain Relieving Migraine Lamp

This lamp was designed and built with components I found around in my shop. Therefore feel free to change any dimensions to suit the materials you have available. The main components of the lamp are listed in the supplies:
Wood Dowel

The wood dowel I had was longer than 7 inches. I used a miter box and saw to cut the wood dowel to seven inches.
Preparing the 4" X 4" Wood Base and Top.

I found the center of each 4 x 4 piece of wood, using a metal ruler. The ruler was held corner to corner and the center marked. I drilled a hole in the center of each 4 x 4 piece of wood. The diameter of the hole you drill depends upon the size of the wood screw you will be using to fasten the lamp together. I used wood screws approximately 1-1/2 long. On the side of the wood opposite the mark, countersink the hole, so that the head of the wood screw will be flush with the wood.
Preparing the LEDs on Wood Dowel

The next step is to remove the adhesive backing from the LED strip and wrap the LED strip around the wood dowel. When you reach the top of the dowel, use a scissor or electrical wire cutter to cut off the excess LED strip from the dowel.
Electrical Test

At this point, I decided to check the LEDs. I plugged in the power supply. I realized that I had forgotten to drill a hole in the center of the dowel on both the top and bottom. I would have preferred to drill the holes before I mounted the LEDs, but there was no harm done doing it after.
Mounting the LED Dowel on Base

The next step I took was mounting the dowel onto one of the 4” x 4” wood pieces. I have shown a close up of the countersunk hole that allows the top of the wood screw to be flush with the surface of the wood.
Cutting a Notch

The next thing I did was file a notch in what will be the bottom of the plastic tube. This is to allow the LED power cable to pass through. The notch I made is much larger than what is required.
White Paper Diffuser

I used standard white paper to act as a diffuser for the lamp. I cut the paper to 7”, (the height of my lamp) curled it up, and inserted it into the plastic tube, then let the paper go.
Cutting Notch in Paper Diffuser

I used an exacto knife to cut a notch in the paper diffuser, using the plastic tube as a guide.
Lamp Assembly

We assemble the lamp. Place the plastic tube with the paper diffuser on top of the LED dowel we had previously secured to the 4” x 4” wood base. Get the 4” x 4” wood, that will be the top of the lamp, and screw the wood screw into the wood so that 1/4” of the screw protrudes through the bottom of the wood.
Use the protruding portion of the screw to locate the hole you drilled in the top of the dowel. Once aligned, screw in the wood screw to the dowel securing the top to the lamp assembly. Before tightening the wood screw all the way down, you will have an opportunity to make sure the plastic tubing is centered properly. Once centered, tight the wood screw all the way down. The lamp is finished. You can plug in the power supply to test it.
More Uses for GLT
GLT for Skin Burns:
Green light (530 nm) has an anti-inflammatory effect on skin burns.
GLT for Osteogenic Differentiation of hASCs:
According to previous studies, red and near-infrared (NIR) wavelengths affect the proliferation and osteogenic differentiation of stem cells, so the expectation was that red or NIR wavelengths would have the most notable outcome in the test.
However, the results of the studies of Yuguang Wang and colleagues found that the blue and green wavelengths had a more pronounced effect on the differentiation process than initial belief. [6]
GLT for Tinnitus:
Numerous studies have attested to the effectiveness of red-light therapy when it comes to treating the cause of tinnitus. However, blue and green light can also be used in therapy to treat its symptoms. [7] With the evidence accumulating, Green Light Therapy (GLT) deserves the green light.
Implementing GLT Yourself
Green Light Therapy is relatively new. If you rather buy than build, Amazon has a few products like a 520 nm Green LED bulb. The link below is NOT an affiliate link. I do not have any financial incentive for posting this Amazon product or if you decide to purchase this item.
If you suffer from migraines or chronic pain, you may want to try green light to see if it offers any relief. References:
3 — https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26778264/
4 — https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26778264/
5 — https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26778264/
6- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26778264/