Minecraft Creeper Plushie With Circuit Playground Express Light Inside
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Minecraft Creeper Plushie With Circuit Playground Express Light Inside

Hi Everybody!
In this project, I will be showing how to make this plushie of a Minecraft creeper out of felt with a little surprise inside - a Circuit Playground Express which lights up green when you shake the toy!

Here is what you will need:
2 A4 pieces of light-green felt
One A4 or smaller piece of dark green felt
One A4 or smaller piece of grey felt (not pictured)
One A4 piece of any colored felt (for a backpack - your choice of color)
A Circus Playground Express & battery back
Scissors, Pen, Ruler
Green string, Needle
A button
Preparing the Parts

First, we must cut out all of the pieces necessary to make the plushie
This will include 2 strips for the head, 2 strips for the body, and 8 strips for the legs.
For the head:
2 strips of 5 x 15 cm
For the body:
1 strip 25 x 5 cm
1 strip 4 x 25.5 cm
For the Legs:
8 strips 10.5 x 3 cm
Once you draw the rectangles and cut them all out you must subtract the height (shorter side) of the rectangle from its length, and divide the result by 2. Then make a mark of this distance from each end of the length.
For example, as you may see with the markings on the head parts:
15 - 5 = 10
10/2 = 5
so, I make a mark 5 cm from each end.
Making the Head

There is a process through which you will have to go to make each body part; essentially, it is sewing a 3D rectangle from 2 strips of fabric.
Position the longer (in the case of the head they are equal in length) strip horizontally. On top position the shorter strip, its "height" aligning with the space you had marked on the longer strip. Sew the two together at the top.
Then, sew the left side of the shorter strip to the top left side of the longer strip.
Then, fold down the shorter strip and sew the left side to the "height" of the longer strip
Repeat the process until you get a 3d box. Do not forget to stuff it before you finish stitching.
Then, out of the grey felt, cut out a 2 x 2 cm square. Then carve out the shape of the mouth as pictured - I used an image online as a reference (also attached)
The eyes are 1 x 1 cm. I used glue to attach both, and then a black marker pen to draw the black details.
Making the Rest of the Body

I followed the same box-making process to sew the legs and the body.
The rectangles at the bottom of the feet are 2 x 2.7 cm, and I again used a black pen for the checkered pattern and glue to attach.
When sewing the body part, do stuff it, but do not finish sewing - this is where the CPX will be inserted!
Attaching the Legs

Due to there being thick seams, you can use this to your advantage to attach the legs to the body. I do not recommend doing this with a glue gun. You can use any stitch that works best for you.
Attaching the Head

To attack the head, it is only necessary to sew together the seams at the sides of the head to those at the sides of the body - this way it is stable but you don't have to fiddle with the front of the face.
Making the CPX Battery Backpack

Since inside the creeper, there will be a circuit playground express (CPX), we need to attach the battery pack to the toy - this will look like a backpack at the creeper's back
Cut out two strips from the felt of another color of your choice measurements
14 x 4 cm
16 x 2 cm
Repeat the same process as with the rest of the rectangular boxes - but, this time, you will find that there is an extra "flap"
cut out using small scissors the bit that I'll be the opening to the backpack. The "flap" is what will close over this hole.
Then, attach a string loop to the flap and sew on a button about 0.5 cm down the backpack.
Now you can glue the backpack to the creeper's back
Making the Light-up Code

The CPX inside the creeper serves to light up and make noise when the toy is shaken.
Open https://makecode.adafruit.com/ and create a new project. the photo of the code is attached.
You can change the sound and color of the CPX activity - mine lights up green and makes a noise when it is shaken.
Attaching the CPX, Battery, and Creeper

Insert the CPX into the non-finished body part of the creeper. You may want to insert it at an angle, if that makes it fit better; it does not matter
Then, sew up the body with the CPX inside - Just make sure your threads do not run through the wires.
Then you can put the battery pack into the backpack.
Shake Your Creeper and Enjoy the Show

I hope this tutorial helped you.
For any inquiries email me at 103179@isp.cz
Happy making!