Minecraft Soccer Minigame

As close as you can get to soccer in Minecraft, as far as I know.
Made it for a project in my engineering class.
Just download Minecraft: Education Edition.
The Ball

The lever on the left toggles an invisible cage around the "ball" so players cannot hit or move it.
The lever on the right summons a cow (it's a cow because it's slightly shorter than a player) named "ball" and immediately gives it resistance so it isn't beaten to death and slowness so it cannot move on its own.
The Goals

The goal is the perfect size to allow cows to get in but not players so that players cannot trigger the tripwire in the goal that adds a point and teleports the ball back to the middle of the field.
Ice is placed directly outside the goal so that once the cow is hit onto it it will slide into the goal.
Score Keeping

When a goal is scored, one armor stand is summoned on top of the golden pressure plate on the right. Depending on how many armor stands are on top of it, it will emit a stronger signal. If the red team scores, an armor stand named "redScore" will be placed on the pressure plate that changes their score.
With each armor stand added, one more lamp appears on the scoreboard.
On the very bottom right are two buttons that reset each team's score. One button kills all entities with the name "redScore," resetting the red team's score. The other button does the same will all entities with the name "blueScore."