Mini Carnival Game

I have made a Mini Carnival Game, because why not? If you have an idea to make this better don't hold back.
(Note: there will probably be some spelling mistakes. If you need clarification on a word post it in the comments)

- Cardboard Box
- Bottles
- Some sort of ball
- Colors
- String
- Button(6 Size of quarter)
- Quarter(1)
The First Part

First you need to cut the box like shown in the picture above. This is what the cut off pieces should look like. Tape the back together using tape.
Clipping It Together

Next, add the strings to the paper clips like shown.
Hanging Rope

Poke 7 holes in the top of the box in a triangle shape. Then put the strings tied on to the paper clips through the hole.
Almost There

Once this is done you have to pop on the bottles.
Finishing With a Bang

The last thing you have to do is take a portion of string and tie it to each ends of the ramp. The lower you put it the steeper the ramp will be