Mini Croissants

by Penolopy Bulnick in Cooking > Bread

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Mini Croissants


I had some crescent dough left over after wrapping some mini hotdogs and decided to roll a couple mini croissant for fun. I thought they were so cute that I decided to make them again. For a little something extra, I stuffed them with a couple sweets and they turned out great. There isn't much to this at all, but I wanted to share them because they are just so darn cute!

Instructable 261




  • Croissant dough - I used store bought because I'm not very talented with baking, but you can use whatever you want.
  • Egg (optional) - for an egg wash if you want a darker result
  • Filling - there are a lot of things you can try for this
    • Chocolate Chips
    • Peanut Butter Chips
    • White Chocolate Chips
    • Marshmallows - this didn't work for me, but it could be because I used cheap 99 cent store rainbow ones instead of normal ones
  • Other Filling Options - here are some I didn't try but I thought would be good after-the-fact
    • Nutella
    • Peanut Butter
    • Peanut Butter + Powdered Sugar (1 to 1 ratio) - like the filling in Reese's Cups
    • Caramel
    • Cut up chocolate candy bars
    • Any number of savory options, I have a sweet mind, so it is harder for me to think of non-sweet options ;)


Cut and Shape Mini Croissants


Preheat your oven according to your package or recipe. I did 350 degrees Fahrenheit since I used a dark nonstick pan.

Roll out your dough into the most rectangular shape you can (I made a mess of mine and my husband managed to save it before I threw a fit and tossed it in the garbage). Hopefully, yours will be more rectangular than mine.

Cut straight lines up and down that are about 1-2 inches apart (I didn't actually measure, but that sounds right). Cut these strips back and forth diagonally so you have small triangles.

If you are going to fill them, put your stuffing in the center of the fat end of the triangle. I also tried to do combinations like a PB chip with chocolate chip or marshmallow with chocolate chip, have fun and experiment. You don't want it to leak out so try not to go too wide. Now, roll your croissant starting on the fat end so that the tip of the triangle is on the outside of the croissant. If you would like, bring together the tips. This looks cute and can help hold in the filling.

Now do this over and over and over again.



Line up all your tiny croissants on your pan and put them in the oven when it is preheated. I ended up doing a total of 10 minutes, but just keep an eye on them. Remember, if you use an egg wash they will get darker than mine. I went until they just started to get some brown.



Aren't they so tiny and cute! If you use chips like I did, be aware that they will harden again once the croissants get cool, but if you use something like Nutella or PB+Powdered Sugar, it should still stay soft once cool.