Mini Mushroom Forest

Would you like a cute little mushroom decor for your miniatures or your looking for something to do? Try this project!

You will need:
- Red, Green, Gray and White Polymer clay
- Pigments any colors work (I just use the stuff you use to dye slime)
- Paint brush
- Glaze (Optional)
Building the Mushrooms

- Take a little chunk of red clay roll it into a ball and pinch the top
- Take a smaller piece of white clay and flatten the piece to the size of the top
- Pinch the corners to add a more natural form
- take a small gray piece of clay and roll it into cylinder with a smaller tip on one end
- Then put it all together
- Repeat three times
Building the Base

- Take a bigger piece of green clay
- Flatten it
- Make holes about the size of the mushroom stem
Putting It All Together

Place each mushroom in the holes and make sure their secure.

Cook the piece for 15 minutes.
Adding the Pigments

- Take the paint brush and the pigments
- Pick one color for the base and one for the mushrooms
- Brush the pigments on the piece
- Glaze (optional)

Taka a minute to enjoy your masterpiece!