Mini Train


I am a student at Benicia High School and I made a 3D printed miniature toy train. I worked on it in my Advanced Engineering and Design Honors class, it was through this class where I learned how to about 3D printing and 3D modelling.

Materials I used:
- Fusion 360
- Ultimaker Cura
- Ultimaker 2+ Extended 3D Printer
- Power Drill + drill bits
- Wire Cutters
- Nuts/bolts
- Upholstery nails
- Magnets
- Finish Nails
Design the Train
The train was designed part by part, there are 7 parts: wheels, trucks, a base, a middle base, a main body, and a train top. All the parts were designed on Fusion 360.
Print Parts
All parts were integrated into one file, and they were printed with PLA on an Ultimaker 2+ Extended 3D printer. Ultimaker Cura was the software I used to print the STL files.

Now that all the parts are printed, attached the pegs of the parts together. Screw in the nuts and bolts into the primary base to attach the trucks and the base. Fit the pegs of the bases, the main body, and the top together. If needed, use a power drill to enlarge the peg holes.

Axels are made by trimming the ends of the finish nails with wire cutters. In total, there are 8 wheels and 4 axels. Each axel is fitted into the holes in trucks, and the wheels are attached to the ends of each axel.
Done :)
Enjoy the finished product!