Mini UV Sterilization Box

I made a mini sterilization box for sanitizing, phones, wallets, keys etc.
Overall dimension - 220x120x130 mm
Inner volume - 168x84x90
- 18650 cells
- MT3608 2A Max DC-DC Step-Up Power Module Booster
- Arduino Nano
- Rocker switch
- Push button
- WS2812B LED strip
- Cables and connectors
- Aluminium Tape
- TP4056 1A Li-ion lithium Battery Charging Module
- 1k ohm resister
- N-type Transistor
- Buzzer
Box Design and 3D Printing

I designed a simple box in CAD where the lower part of the box, houses all the electronics. The top lid is hinged using a 3mm rod. Then changed the design for 3D printing. The material I chose here is PLA, 20% infill with 0.2 resolution. Also, the box can be made, out of Fam board or wood, if you don't have access to a 3D printer.
Electronics /Circuit Diagram

The code is simple. For the led strip, I have used the Adafruit_NeoPixel library. The pins can be changed, the led strip requires a PWM pin. The default timer is set to 5 mins, this can be modified in the code. You have to add a delay of 60000ms to add one min.
