Mini Working Bow

This is how to make a working miniature bow.
- Tape
- 30cm (12 inches) skewers
- String
- Paper tissue
- Scissors
- Glue gun and glue
- Rubber band
Making the Bow

Take two flexible skewers and hot glue them together.
Cut some string and make a slipknot at each end, put one slipknot onto a forked end of the bow and glue it on. Do the same on the other side while bending the bow.
Maintain the bending position until the glue dries.

Take a skewer and cut off the sharp end.
On the originally flat side put some tape on perpendicularly and also on the other side of the skewer and then some more partially overlapping in front. Then cut the tape in a v shape (see picture 3).
On the cut end of the skewer put a quarter of a tissue stuffed with the rest of it and rubber band it in place.
How to Use the Bow

Hold the bow in your right/left hand with your thumb supporting the arrow, slightly leaning so the arrow does not fall down and with your left/right hand pinch the arrow with the string behind it and pull back then let go.
You could also probably put a magnet in the tissue.
Don't aim at anything that breathes, needs water, moves, breaks, yells, shatters, explodes, gets inherited, angers easily, hits back, sues, or has arrows of its own to launch.