Miniature Drum Set

I had always wanted a drum set but I did not have the space to store it. When I saw this Instructables contest I thought "Why not make a miniature drum set". Thus, I set out to make a miniature drum set on the dimensions of a full size drum set.
The only supplies needed are:
- Quick-dry Clay
- Tape
- Scissors
- Paint( Of your choice to paint your drum set)
- Paintbrush
Taking Measurements
Take the measurements of your drum set. I used the diameter of an average drum set as the radius in mm for my miniature drum set. Therefore:
- Snare drum: real diameter-14 inch, diameter for mini- 28 mm
- Bass drum:-22 inch, 44 mm
- Low tom:-16 inch, 32 mm
The same goes for height.
Making the Drum Rim

Now roll the clay into a big and thin pancake. Cut strips of the clay. The height of the strip should be equal to the height of the drum and it length 3-3.5 times the diameter of the drum. Now make the strip into the drum's rim by attaching its two ends together. Let it dry. Also make sure it stays as a circle. At the end it should look like the above picture.
Making the Skin

Use tape to make the skin. You can also cut plastic of the diameter of the drum and then stick it.
Making the Snare Stand

So first make a snare stand by attaching 3 thin sticks of clay of equal lengths to a fourth thin stick of clay at equal distances. Attach 3 thin and wide sticks of clay that are smaller then the above sticks at the bottom of the fourth stick. Turn the 3 above sticks up at corners..It should now look like the above picture.
Making the Base and Toom Stands


Make two tiny sticks of clay and attach then to the Base drum on both sides. The stick should be attached and look like above. Now take a thick stick of clay and attach the high tom and mid tom to each other and then to the base drum. Make three big sticks of clay and attach them to the the low tom at equal intervals as shown above.
Making the Cymbals

Now again roll a pancake of clay but make it a bit thick this time. Draw four circles one of 40 mm, one of 36 mm and two of 28 mm diameter. now make slight bumps in their centres.
Cymbal Stands

Now make 2 thick sticks of clay of equal sizes and attach the 40mm cymbal(Ride) and the 36 mm cymbal(Crash). Add three sticks at the bottom of their sticks as shown in the picture.Now attach the two 28 mm cymbals together using clay. Make sure no gaps are left. This is the high-hat. Make its stand like the others. Just add a small flat oval at its base as in the picture.
Drum Sticks and Kick

For drum sticks make 2 small thin sticks of clay. For the kick make a 3d equilateral triangle. Now add a gong on top of it.

Paint everything as you wish. My painting skills are very bad so don't take the paint of the above as reference.