Miniature Euro Pallet

I made some miniature euro pallets from leftover wood lying around. These can be used as coasters or trivets. The pallets were made at 15% size compared to the real thing, which makes them 18 x 12 x 2.1 cm in size. I decided to make 4 of them (for a start) to use as trivets (never heard this word before) at home.
I really like the look of them, especially since the look is so very close to the real thing. I was considering adding magnets to some sides so they can be assembled into a larger piece but decided to leave them as they are. I did some tests for the brand-markings, but it didn't work out.

- Leftover wood
- Wood glue
- Clamps (lots)
- Square

I started by sawing the wood into correctly sized strips on the table saw and cut them to length. It takes 8 long strips and 3 of the short ones per pallet. The 9 cubes for each pallet were made in the same way.
Glueing the Top Layer and the "feet"

First I glued the top layer. Starting with a simple frame (taking care to check the angles with a square) and then moving on to filling the space in with the needed strips. At the same time I glued the cubes to the bottom strips, creating a simple template to get the spacing right. I used normal wood glue and small to medium clamps and gave every joint ample time to dry.
Combining the Parts

After letting the individual parts dry, I glued everything together in much the same way. For the center glue joint I used some larger clamps.
Sanding and Final Product

The Pallets got cleaned up on a edge sander, taking care not to mess up the squareness or the thickness. I chamfer the corners and voila, they were done.
I hope you enjoyed this short and easy instructable, I'm really pleased how it turned out.