Mixed Emotions Painting /How to Make a Painting Using Very Little Paint
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Mixed Emotions Painting /How to Make a Painting Using Very Little Paint

I called this " Mixed Emotions " because I had mixed emotions about it.
Are You running really low on paint and planning on doing a painting? If so, then try this!
At the time I only had about a tablespoon worth of paint, so I had to find an alternative solution. Which was glue! Yes, you can make a painting using glue!

5 or more colors of paint [ you only need about a tablespoon of each color ]
1 - 3 bottles of school glue
5 or more paper cups, depending on how many colors of paint you're using [ I didn't have paper cups at the time so I had to use plastic cups, would not recommend though. ]
Stirring stick
Glass bowl or cup that has a nice design on the bottom [ optional ]
Covered work surface
Plastic gloves
Paper towels [ optional ]
Clear boxing tape, white paint, or white duck tape
Mixing the Paint With the Glue

Pour about an inch or half an inch [ depending how big your canvas is ] of glue in each cup.
Then pour in a tablespoon of paint in each cup.
stir the glue and the paint together, and you're ready to paint!
Making a Painting

Place the cup/bowl in the center of the canvas.
Pour the different colored glue over the bowl/cup, until you reach a design you like.
Once you have reached the design you like remove the bowl/cup from the canvas, and try filling in the empty space that the cup/bowl was covering by adding more paint there or pick the canvas up and tilt it in different directions to move the colored glue around.
Place the painting on a waterproof surface or paper towels that are folded in half. And let dry for 24 - 36 hours.
Carefully Removing the Paper Towel

This step is only required if you used paper towels.
Get some warm water in a cup or a small container and a large paint brush.
Dip the paint brush in the water and put small amounts of water [ from the paint brush ] along the edge of the canvas.
Carefully peel the damped paper towel away from canvas.
Taping the Back Side of the Canvas [ Optional ]

If you don't want the paint on the back to show, or you want to protect the back of the canvas you can either use clear boxing tape, white paint, or white duck tape to cover the back of the canvas.

All done! Now you have an unusual painting made by mostly glue!