Moving My Aloe Vera Plants.

I Loooooove to have Aloe vera plats at home. I use then on my skin if I get burn, on my face and my hair. In Colombia we use it as medicine in many different ways and it is a tradition to have at least one at home. So now that I'm living in Sweden I try to have one at home.
I moved to Stockholm and Gothenburg because of my studies and I had to give away the two that I had before. As soon as I got back into the house I decided to buy a new one.
- Soil
- Gloves
- Plants
- Pots
When One Becomes Four

I purchased this Aloe vera plant at Ikea a while ago and I noticed that there was some new plats there that needed a new "home"
I took some old pots that I had lying outside and bought some soil.
Splitting the Gang.

I placed the plant inside a container and separated the roots carefully. It is important not to damage the roots cause it will affect the survival of the plants.
Moving In

I poured the soil into the pots and made hole sin the center. This was to make space for the roots and for a little of the old soil that has to follow with the plant into the new pot.
And Now I Got Four

I have to wait a few weeks until I can say that this is a success. If the smallest one survives I will be very proud of myself.