Moxx's Oodammo Pistol

by moxx in Living > LEGO & K'NEX

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Moxx's Oodammo Pistol

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this is my cool looking oodammo pistol.  well, its not technically oodammo because it fires a red connector with a blue rod, but it can also fire oodammo.  its sturdy, powerful, small, and all that good stuff.  what i really like about it is the way it pushes the ammo up.  on some oodammo pistols, the ammo pusher sticks out the botttom, while on others its just a band around the last of the ammo so the band doest have enough pressure to push up the last few ammo pieces.  mine is a combo that sticks down from the ammo enough that all the ammo is pushed up, but doesnt stick out of the bottom.  credit for the trigger mech idea to  logic boy. please SUBSCRIBE. 


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Ammo and Stuff

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