My Getaway Shed

We have a travel trailer in paradise that we call our Getaway. Because it is on the water, we also have a small boat. When you have a boat, you need to store things - rope, gasoline, motors, anchors, cushions, life jackets. There is no room inside the trailer for these things and some of them are dangerous and smelly. So I decided we need more storage for our Getaway - A Getaway Shed.
Build or Buy?
Something about 4 ft wide by 4 ft tall by 2 ft deep should do the trick - even outside there is not much room but I don't need much. I drew up a few sketches and priced out the material, siding panels, 2X4s, 1X6 floor boards, hardware, paint and shingles. The total came to $224!!!
I started researching sheds and found the Keter "Store-It-Out Midi" for $130, delivered! I already have a Keter 8 X 10 shed at home and it has served well - easy to assemble, excellent customer service and very serviceable.
So....$224 and about 4 hours labor in 95 degree weather or $130 and 1/2 hour labor?
I placed the order.

Well, now that I was committed I wondered how I was going to install our new shed.
I could set it on some 4" thick concrete blocks but that would require removing sod and leveling the ground and 9 blocks for about $18, Oh, and no way to tie it down. We get hurricanes here.
I could make a platform and set it on the ground, again requiring leveling and about $35 for treated lumber.
I liked the idea of a platform but then I thought of raising it about 12 to 16 inches so access would be easier. This would not require leveling the ground or much treated lumber and could be built for around $12. Winner! Winner!
Since the Getaway is 74 miles away, I prepared everything at home.
- 4 sharpened 2X4 legs
- 2 2X4 floor supports
- 10 floorboards
Cut everything to size and pre-drill all the parts. Assemble legs to floor supports. Place and pound.
Once you have the two structures sufficiently in the ground and leveled, attach the floor boards. I used cedar 1 x 6 fence boards - cheap and good weathering characteristics. I doubt the shed will ever contain more than 100 lbs so this should be a solid design.
Final Assembly

There are only 8 major pieces to the shed. Keter provides fairly good instructions (READ THEM!) and the parts are very light and snap together easily. 14 screws hold the shed parts together and 8 screws mount the clever gas cylinders for the top.
NOTE: the instructions always warn against using power screwdrivers but I find that my B&D drills have a dial so you can set the torque and haven't stripped a screw yet.
Finally, I added 6 3" screws with fender washers to hold the shed to the structure. I also made the structure about 9" wider than the shed so I have a little shelf for something (not sure what but it seemed like a good idea).
So for about 2 hours work and $142 we now have a Getaway Storage Shed.
Thanks for reading this far. Let us know if you do this or a similar project. Comments and questions are always welcome.