My Mobile Claw Robot

Project Summary and Journey
Greetings and welcome to my instructable! Today, I am excited to share my latest project, the “Mobile Claw Robot,” that I created using the Arduino robotics kit. I had a lot of fun working on this project, and I am eager to tell you all about it. Although it's unfortunate that I couldn't complete the project, I still want to share with you the details of the project and the journey towards creating it. This project was definitely a challenge, but it was also an amazing opportunity to develop new skills and techniques. Throughout the process, I gained valuable experience in electrical wiring circuits and creating a chassis. So buckle up and get ready to dive into the world of robotics!
When deciding what kind of robot to build, I looked at a variety of different servo robots that could be created within a tight time frame using the resources I had. Ultimately, after careful consideration, I decided to make a claw robot because it would allow me to learn how to use the servos and challenge myself to adopt new skills. For the chassis, I used a premade chassis that I later modified so that the base of the robot body would contain a layout that would be used to assemble the wiring and components required. Unfortunately, for this project, the laser cutter was malfunctioning and could not be utilized. This circumstance led me to have to print out most of my components, which was not as effective because the print times were significantly longer than the laser-cut times. I completed the chassis right before the winter break, and during the winter break, I decided to customize my chassis by adding color to the build. During the first portion of winter break, my younger cousins came over, and I couldn’t do any of the major assembling because I didn’t want them to misplace some of the components or damage something. As a result of my other classes, I couldn’t get much time to work on the robot project, so I didn’t accomplish as much as I anticipated.
After the break, I explored previous robots for inspiration on how to create the claw for my robot. Eventually I found a miniature design from one of the previous students' assignments and decided to use this as a prototype of what I could create for my claw. I decided to make the claw larger and extend the capacity that the claw could pull. Unfortunately, I did not get to print out my larger claw due to time limits, but I was still able to create a really good design. Over the next few days, I finished the wiring and assembly required for my project using the guides and instructions available below. Unfortunately, on the final days, the wires began to malfunction, and I could not fully complete the wiring. While doing the wiring, I created the assembly layout board that would contain the wiring components. After hard work and problems getting the scale correct, I finished the assembly layout board and was ready to print it so I could better organize my project and make it more aesthetically appealing. However, on the last day, I was not able to print the board, which was very hard for me to accept because I can be a bit tenacious, and when I let go of something I really wanted, it becomes hard to move forward. However, after coming to terms with my circumstances, I finished the connections of the robot body, even though I knew this scale was all wrong. Still, not willing to give up on my assembly layout board, I created a cardboard version with the right measurements and parameters. In the end, I kind of regret doing this because the board didn’t even allow screws to go through, the cardboard was not sturdy, and it took time I didn't have.
While I was not able to get to the part where I programmed the robot to pick up and pull a cup away from its original position, I am still content with the progress I made during this project. This final DEI assignment taught me the value of hard work and problem-solving using the resources and people around you. I sought a lot of advice from my teacher and peers, and if you choose to build this robot, I encourage you to do the same. I would highly recommend building the “Mobile Claw Robot.” It is fun and a great way to learn how to code, problem solve, and delve into the world of robotics. Just make sure you manage your time carefully. The robot was a very enjoyable project to build, and if I were given another chance to make it, I would do it without hesitation. Thank you for your time, and keep on creating!

Supply List
- The BasicBot Robotics kit, with all the components included in the picture above
- Fusion 360 (create an account, then tap the account icon and head to products and services.). From there, find Fusion 360 and download it.
- Access to a 3D printer
- Adobe Illustrator (create an Adobe account and then download Illustrator using this link:
- Access to a laser cutter
- (Optional) Paint to enhance the aesthetic of your chassis and cardboard to make a rough prototype of your chassis.
- Containers to store components and completed and unfinished work
- 6 AA batteries
Start Drawing Rough Sketches or Concept Drawings
Use blank or graph paper to draw a rough sketch of the chassis of your project. You can choose not to follow this step, but it is highly recommended that you do this step to create a baseline of what you want your robot to look like. For the drawing, use a pencil and not a pen so that adjustments and changes to the design can be made. You can also put the date on your sketch to help keep track of your progress.
Create the Chassis of Your Robot

After deciding what the chassis of your build will look like, you can now begin creating the chassis. To create the chassis, there is a bit of flexibility; you can create it using "Fusion 360" or "Adobe Illustrator," but here is how I think you should create it. First, go into Fusion 360 and create a sketch. Use that sketch to create the different faces of your chassis, and make sure that the length of the chassis is close to the size of a 30cm ruler. Then, after you have created all the different sides of your chassis (front, rear, sides, top, and bottom views) using different sketches for each one, you can now export these sketches to Illustrator, where you will create an artboard and set up all the necessary adjustments to laser cut it. Or if you cannot access a laser cutter, then you can extrude the sketches by 3mm and move all the bodies close to each other. Finally, you will recheck the dimensions, export your file as an STL to the printing software, and print the final chassis. One part of the chassis will require an assembly board for your wiring; it is not mandatory but recommended to help plan your chassis better. You can find a premade chart below using the following link: It is in PDF format, so you should convert it to SVG to be used.
Premade Chassis:
Gather Your Assembly Materials and Start the Wiring

After you have completed the chassis, you can now move on to gathering your assembly materials so that you can begin the wiring. Check the images and list in the "Supplies List" section to make sure you have all the necessary components to complete the project. Arrange the components so that they align with the setup of the wiring diagrams in the photos above. To attach the wires to different parts of the accessory, make sure you have the right specified wire, as said in the diagrams. If attaching a wire to a point where there is a nail above, use the Phillips screwdriver supplied in the box to lightly unscrew the nail, then place the wire underneath the nail, and finally tighten the nail to secure the wire in place. Some wires will click into other parts of the assembly. The motors already have wires attached to them, but if not, you can manually solder wires to the motors. If any of the wires are unstripped, you can use pliers to strip the wires so that they are still able to attach to parts of the assembly. Please seek help from resources or people around you to accomplish this and work diligently and meticulously.