by ag_2909 in Craft > Paper

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Newspapers have always been considered waste but this is not true. newspapers can be used for so many things than just reading them.

In today’s electronic age, people are starting to consider going paperless. But there’s still a long way to go before we lose our dependence on this very important human product. this basket does not require any fancy stuff for making it and can be kept on any suitable desk or case.

If you have a newspaper with you, which you surely do then start making it with me!!



For my instructable, I've gathered up the following things:


  • Newspapers
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue gun
  • Any attractive handle (I took a longleaf from a vase and bent it to make a handle)


  • Paper Flowers
  • Leafs (Artificial or Paper)
  • Acrylic Paint (I used pearl paints)
  • Brush

Let's go!!!....

Sticks and Rolls


Its newspaper!!

Start with cutting a newspaper chart in half and making a stick with them. Thin sticks might be difficult to roll so make sure they are thick enough to be rolled.

I made at least 25 such small discs and left 10 sticks unrolled (you will know why soon).

Time to Make the Base


The base is super important for our basket and it will have a lot of pressure on supporting many things.

So for making this we need to take a disc made in Step 1 and start rolling the other sticks (10 sticks made earlier) around it. The size of the basket depends on this. I didn't make a huge basket but it was of medium size. Roll all the 10 sticks around with sticking glue in between so that newspapers don't go out of track.

Join It and the Handle


Now that we have our rolls and base, what are we waiting for?

Start from the bottom and make sure that you don't go to another level without sticking the first. Start from level 1 and then move upwards. I didn't make more than 3 levels as it would have made the basket unstable.

Now take a long artificial leaf and bent it. paste both the ends of the leaf using a glue gun at the bottom of the basket. it might look difficult to stick in the beginning. I would recommend you use a paperweight for this.

The basket is ready!!

Time to Paint!


Take a thick brush and paint (acrylic is preferred because of there versatile nature). and start painting.

Start from the bottom and move upwards. Make sure you paint all the parts on the exterior if you are making a flower basket. Otherwise, paint both sides if you wanna keep your cool stuff.

It looks pretty nice...right?

Optional: Flowers


Add flowers and leaves to it.

You may take artificial flowers or make them from tissue paper(easiest)

it looks complete.

This can be kept with any other exquisite vase or may be gifted to your loved ones!!