Nautical Paracord Bracelet
by Guillotine in Outside > Paracord
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Nautical Paracord Bracelet

Today, I present to you the Nautical paracord bracelet. IMPORTANT soak all of the paracord in water overnight then let it dry because paracord shrinks in water and with the shrinking already finished, the measurements are more accurate.
Materials Needed

4-5 feet of Paracord
a lighter
paracord jig (optional)
pliers (optional)
a lighter
paracord jig (optional)
pliers (optional)
Starting the Bracelet

Do a normal cows hitch on one side of the buckle

IMPORTANT if you want a fancier bracelet, do not cut the cords and melt

IMPORTANT if you want a fancier bracelet, do not cut the cords and melt
Cutting the Cord

Acquire 10 ft of cord and cut the cord In half so you have two 5 ft strands
Preparing the Cord

gut the cord (remove the smaller white strings from the inside)
Creating the Bracelet

loosen the cobra knot and thread the gutted cored through
Cutting the Cords

IMPORTANT do NOT cut the gutted cords, only the cords with the white string still inside
Creating the Bracelet

using one gutted strand, wrap it around the cord strand
Finishing the Bracelet

pull the gutted cord throughout the cow's hitch.
Finishing the Bracelet

carefully cut and melt the gutted cord
Finishing the Bracelet

do the same thing with the other strand
Finishing the Bracelet

melt the end of the gutted cord

Congrats! You just made the Nautical paracord braclet! Remember to vote for me in the Great Outdoors contest!